True Identities; The Party (Part 1)

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It has been months since Peppa was born. Goku had become such a great father and husband. I never want to lose him. It was my birthday, another miserable year. Ever since I was a little girl, I never knew who my real parents were. It was hard to remember them considering that I left Planet Vegeta when I was a baby.

Goku and I shared the same birthday, which is really strange. Then again, a lot of Saiyans were born the day our planet was destroyed. There were just very few of us who survived. I sat at the table after I fed Peppa alone, waiting for Goku to come home. He had gotten a job only four weeks ago so I don't see him as often.

I've known him for a long time, and I never knew he was the one I was meant to be with. I sighed heavily as I remembered the day we first met.


I landed on the pathetic planet I grew up on as a child. I had worked for Frieza since I was only 12 years old. I was young, but strong nonetheless. As I grew, most of his men wanted to sleep with me. I was disgusted by those bastards. This was my last mission for today. All I had to do was destroy this miserable planet. I honestly didn't care. No one liked me here anyways so why keep it alive?

Suddenly my scouter picked up a group of very high power levels. These guys must've been the warriors Raditz fought a year ago. Pathetic bastard can't even kill his own brother. But that name, it sounded familiar. K-K... K-Kaka... Kakarot. Where have I heard that name before? It didn't matter, those beings had already arrived.

There were quite a few. A short bald one, a mime faced midget, a little kid, a man with a scar, another man with three eyes, a Namekian strangely and a slighlty taller male in the front. I could only assume that was Kakarot.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on my planet?"

"Pardon my rudeness but my name is Kohlra. I am a third class warrior, just like you Kakarot."

"My name is Goku! Not Kakarot! And you're not welcomed here!"

"Tch tch tch... You have 0 manners don't you? This planet's not only turned you into a soft puddle of mush but it's also turned you into a douche."

"Leave! Now!" the bald one said.

"And what if I don't? Huh shorty?"

"Go! Now! We don't wanna use force!" Kakarot yelled.

"Well... Too bad..."

I charged at the male Saiyan and dealt a blow to his face, another to his stomach and another to his jaw before kicking and sending him flying to a mountain side.

"Dad!" the child cried.

So, Kakarot already has a son? He must've mated with a human. I smirked at the boy and slowly walked toward him. He was Kakarot's alright. He had his eyes and facial features. There's no doubt about it.

"Don't worry kid, your daddy is gonna done real soon...when I send him to Hell!" I laughed.

Before the others could act, I blasted each and every one of them and held them to their spots with ki rings. Too easy. Now, time for Kakarot.

I held him by his throat and smirked. I had to admit, he's quite charming. The hair, the eyes. He was perfect. Sadly I knew Frieza and the prince would have my head if I took him as mine. My mission was to kill every single being on this planet, not flirt with a traitor. And if I were to fail this mission, I'd have to wait for the bald moron and the arrogant royal boy to show up and save my ass. I couldn't have that, no.

I was knocked out my trance (literally) when I felt my face being hit. Kakarot and punched me across my face when I wasn't paying attention. His friends still didn't escaped. Some were unconscious in fact. I smirked up at him until I realized my scouter was missing.

'Shit! I'm fucked!'

I looked around for it frantically. It wasn't anywhere! Where could it have gone!?

"Hey, looking for this?" Kakarot smirked as he held up my scouter.

I growled in response. That little bastard! He'll pay for making a fool out of me!

"I'm afraid you won't get this back for a long time." he said in a serious matter and crushed it.

"No! My scouter! Why you little... son of bitch!"

I charged full force at him which didn't seem to work. He only dodged my attack and karate chopped my neck. And in that instant, I was unconscious.

End of Flashback

I didn't really remember anything after that. Bulma told me that I was unconscious during Goku's flight home and when he was walking to his house, he slipped and accidentally dropped me into a deep valley where I hit my head and lost my Saiyan nature.

That would explain why I would help them even though I originally planned to kill all of them. After the incident on Namek, I didn't really call Goku "Kakarot". I just called him "Goku". I remember as well that I also died on Namek. After Frieza was done with Vegeta (or so he thought) he attacked me next. I don't know what happened after I was killed.

Krillin said Goku buried my body and did something to me that made me blush when he told me. Goku had kissed the cheek of my corpse. That's kinda weird, but now I know why he did that. Goku liked me. And I liked him. To think, it took me this long to find out he's the one. Man am I a baka.

That's when Goku walked in and smiled at me. He came over and kissed me lightly on the cheek making me smile.

"Hi Honey. Happy Birthday."

"You already said that this morning silly." I giggled at his behavior.

"What? Can't a guy say 'Happy Birthday' to his gorgeous wife no matter how many times he's already said it?" he smiled.

"Ok ok, come on and help me get things ready before the kids come home." I said standing up and getting dinner ready.

"So is Videl ok with babysitting them while we're at the party?"

"Yeah. Her and Gohan have to look after Pan anyway and Piccolo really needs a break from watching your kids don't you think?"

He laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. I rolled my eyes and continued to cook. The kids came home not too long after I was done. They ate and went to do their own things while Goku and I got ready for the party.

"Goku, I've known you for years and we're married now."


"And I'm going to be calling you by your original name from now on."

"Why Honey? Why can't you just call me by my Earth name?"

"Ok, I'll still call you 'Goku' and 'Goku-kun' but only on special occasions and when we're making love but that's it. Other than that, I'm going to call you 'Kakarot'."

"Ok." he smiled brightly.

Videl and Gohan showed up a little while after that. We chatted for awhile, said goodbye to them and the kids and flew off to the party. Things were going ok, so far.

"No Kohlra, this is you and your hubby's B-Day. You can't let your insecurity control you. Everything is going to be ok."

Yeah. I've spent almost a year with Kakarot, we're married, we have children and it's our birthday. Yeah! Nothing can ever go wrong today!


Hi guys. Sorry if this is a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed it cause it took me hours to do this! I started at 8pm and it's 2:46 in the morning so I hope and pray to Kami that you liked it. Bye bye!

Kohlra the Saiyan Part 2Where stories live. Discover now