Watch Your Words - John

73 2 10

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff?

Timing: Modern AU

Reader's Relations: Washington's daughter

Warnings: Mentions of miscarriage, if this is triggering please avoid reading this oneshot.

Other notes: This includes mentions of two of my Hamilton Next Gens, Georgia and Rupert, who are the reader's siblings (Reader is 24, as is John, Georgia is 22 and Rupert is 20). Also, this is as if Washington adopted Alex, but he refuses to acknowledge this fact. (Y/u) means Your Unsername btw.


"Please! I'm begging you, John."

"Why? Why me?" the freckled boy asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'll do anything for you. Please? I've already explained this to you; Georgia told our parents that had a boyfriend, when I don't and now Mum and Dad want to meet this 'boyfriend', if I turn up without a boy on my arm, Georgia's gonna start giggling at me and calling me a wuss for 'not having the guts to bring him'. I promise it's only for one day, then we can fake break up, on the grounds we realised we were better as friends. Please? I'm begging you. I'll forever be in your debt if you do this for me!" I persisted, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, knowing he couldn't resist them.

"Fine, but you're gonna owe me."

"Thank you!"


I took a deep breath, knocking on the door of my parents' house, squeaking when I felt John wrap an arm around my waist, "You're the one who asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend, (Y/n). you need to act the part as well."

I felt my face turn a bit red, knowing he meant he would be acting all flirty with me the entire weekend, which would result in endless teasing from my siblings, something I wasn't looking forward to.

"(Y/n)! You're here! Oh and you must be John, it's a pleasure to meet you," My mother gushed after opening the door, squeezing John into a hug.

"Mother, please can you put my boyfriend down?" I asked seeing that John was struggling to breathe.

"I'm sorry, Dear, it's just I'm happy to know my daughter's found a strong young man to date."


"I-I appreciate it, Mrs Washington, it's good to meet you as well," John replied, nervously after catching his breath.


"So, (Y/n), when can we expect grandkids from you?"

I almost choked on the mouthful of food that I was currently chewing on, John leaned over and hit me on the back to stop me from actually choking, "Thank you," I muttered to John, before turning to my mother, "Mother, we've talked about this before..."

"All I'm saying is that Georgia here is younger than you, and already has a little girl-"

"And Mia's adopted, Mother. That's got nothing to do with it! I'll be going to the bathroom," I responded, standing up and walking out of the dining room, up to my old room, that I was sharing with John to keep up the 'we're dating' act, and flopped on the bed, the memories coming back to me.


Shit... I hadn't even heard his footsteps.

I looked up at Alexander and he immediately came over, sitting down next to me on the bed, bringing me into a hug, "Let it out."

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