French Fries - Lafayette

715 4 1

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Song Used (If Songfic): None

Reader's Relations: Alex's Sister

Timing/AU: Hamiltime

Warnings: Google Translated French

Other notes: None


Finally I got off the ship after a two week trip on a boat (Probably not accurate), ON MY OWN, because my brother decided to leave me after the hurricane. God he is gonna get it when I find him!! I got off the boat and decided that 'if I know my brother, he will be in a bar probably drunk...' so I made my way to the nearest bar and spotted him the minute I entered. He was sitting with four other guys at a table. One of them I noticed looked as if he didn't want to be there, one hand short dark brown hair tied back with a bandana, another had light brown hair that was pulled into a low ponytail and had freckles and the final one had dark brown hair tied up in a bun. I noticed the one with the bun had an accent, French. I made my way over to them and snuck up behind Alex, "ALEXANDER HAMILTON HOW DARE YOU!!"

This made him scream like a girl and hide under the table which made me and I'm guessing his friends burst out laughing. He eventually recovered and stood back up, "(Y/n)? How did you get here?"

"Uh... boat? Tu es tellement stupide c'est incroyable!" I noticed that the guy with the bun started laughing, definitely French, if he understood every word of that.

"(Y/n), what did you say?"

"Now, why would I tell you that dear brother?"

"Because it was obviously something about me, and judging by Lafayette's reaction to it, you were making fun of me." Ah so French guy is Lafayette. Good to know.

"Um Alex, explain yourself about why you left your sister on her own on and island after a hurricane!"

"Listen I'm sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it Alex-" I was cut off by Lafayette, "Ah mon ami, you never told us you had a soeur, and she's beau aussi."

"Why thank you, Mr Lafayette."

"Quelle? How does le beau dame know mon nom?"

"Alex said it before.. Alex can you introduce me to the rest of your friends please?"

"Right, as long as you promise to stop annoying me."

"I'll think about it.." He glared at me, "Fine."

"Good, well you already know Laf. That's Hercules," he said pointing to bandana guy, "And that's John," He continued pointing to freckles guy, "Guys this is (Y/n), my sister."

"Older sister, Alex."

"Fine, older sister."


That was my first time meeting them and but 3 weeks later I formed a crush on Lafayette. What! He is French and.... I'll just get back to the story. I had just had word about something that I didn't want to happen, Lafayette was going back to France... I didn't want him to go, I had to tell him I loved him.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me to the docks where Laf was leaving from, "Laf!!!" I shouted running up to him before he got on the ship. He turned round and noticed me, "(Y/n)?" I ran up to him and hugged him, "I don't want you to go!!" I cried.

"Hey, mon amour, ça va être correct. Je t'aime."

"Laf, you do realise I can speak French, I know what you said." His face was a tomato, "It's ok, I love you too," I leaned up and kissed him, my arms soon finding his bun and undoing it, while his arms soon finding my waist. We eventually broke apart, "If you go to France I want to come with you!"

"Well, you don't have to because I'm not going. I'm going to stay with you."

I kissed his again and this time we heard shouting behind us, "Laf finally got her!" We pulled apart bright red, "Alex! John! Her! You three better get back here right now!" I shouted after them.

"Leave them be mon amour, je t'aime."

"Je t'aime, aussi, Laf."

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