The Fault in Us All - Philip

78 1 24

Requested?: No

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Timing: High School AU

Reader's Relations: Jefferson's daughter (Ik it's cliché but it's for the plot)

Warnings: Mentions of blood and injury

Other notes: I know I said I would write one of the 4 previously mentioned for the 100th part, but I had this idea, and I wanted to write it so... Also if you guys want me to stop including my ocs in these, let me know, or if you want to know more about the, also let me know (: There's an alternate ending which I'll post as a separate part if you guys want to see, which was the original ending, but I like this one better.


"For this project, you'll be working in pairs."

The whole class groaned as the teacher said that, but before anyone could ask if we were choosing our partners, our teacher spoke again, "This time I will be choosing your partners." Again, groans filled the classroom, except me, honestly, I didn't mind the partner work, just meant half the work to do, plus I was on good terms with the majority of our History class except one person...

"Philip, you'll be working with (Y/n)."

My head shot up, "You expect the two of us to work together?"

"I don't see the problem, (Y/n). You need to learn to work with people you don't get along with."

I just smacked my head against the table and groaned knowing this would be a long project. I then felt a hand pat me on the back, "You'll be fine, (Y/n)."

"You can't talk, Clem," I muttered lifting my head to look the ginger in the eye, "You get to work with your girlfriend, I have to work with the literal spawn of Satan."

"Think about it, (Y/n); If he refuses to do anythin' just threaten him with takin' all the credit. If he won't help, he won't get the credit."

"That's if we can even have a conversation without killing each other."



I groaned at the voice and stopped walking, halting Melody in the middle of her sentence, "What is it, Hamilton? I'm busy."

"Firstly, I know you're not, the last class of the day, and I know you don't have any after-school activities on a Thursday. Plus-"

"Are you stalking me now?" I asked, rolling my eyes, "Seriously, what is it you want?"

"Geez. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the library to work on our project. Y'know cause probably not the best idea to go to either of our houses with our dads..."

"I suppose you're right," I muttered, turning to my sister, "Melody, can you explain to Mother, that I'll be home later?"

The girl nodded and patted my head in an annoying older sister fashion, even though she was only a few minutes older than me, "Of course, Darlin'. Take your time."


"Well, at least we got it done," I muttered, looking at my phone for the time; 5:45, then noticed it was raining outside, "Shit..."

"Allow me to walk you home, (Y/n). I brought an umbrella. It's big enough for us both," I heard Philip speak. I just sighed, trying to fight the blush that was trying to creep up on my face as I nodded, knowing that if I didn't take him up on the offer, I'd be soaked by the time I got home, then I'd get a lecture about forgetting a coat. Philip just smiled as we both stood up and packed up our stuff.

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