Sister Problems - Jemmy

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I had been sitting on the sofa with James planning our wedding when I got another phone call saying that someone couldn't make it.

"You know James, we may as well get a smaller venue, that's my parents just cancelled on us for my older sister's baby shower. So it's now just your family, Thomas, the Hamiltons, Laf, Herc, John (I don't have the heart to kill him (Or Philip)), Washington, Angelica and Peggy."

"You know we could always just change the date. Then all your family can come."

"No, my sister just hate me that much that she's done this on purpose, I sent our the wedding invitations long before she had even announced she was pregnant. If we change the date, she wins. And there the point of Laf already here from France."

"Okay then we'll keep the date, but we still get a smaller venue."

"Fine by me."

We spent the rest of the day planning with Laf's 'help'. It turned out he wasn't very helpful and just talked about the revolution for the majority of the time, until I got fed up and locked him out of the dining room.


A few weeks later and it was the wedding day. Eliza helped me get ready as my mother was at my sister's house.

"Thanks for helping me Eliza. I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own."

"It's fine. I would do anything for you."

She finished my hair and I was ready. We walked downstairs and got into the carriage. I was kind of glad none of my family was here, it save me and James a lot of money, getting a smaller venue.

We arrived and we went to our positions, waiting for it to start. I was about to walk down the aisle on my own when I felt an arm link with mine. I looked up to see my father and I hugged him, "Hold on why are you here? I thought you were at Maria's."

"Well your sister had a change of heart last minute. When your mother asked her why you weren't there she admitted to planning it on the same day as your wedding on purpose, knowing we'd all come to her rather than you getting married."

I turned round to see Maria with a sheepish look on her face, "Thank you," I said running up to her and hugging her.

"Is this wedding happening or not, pumpkin?" Dad asked me. I turned back round and walked up to him talking his arm again and him leading me down the aisle. While we were walking down I noticed all my family at the back of the church smiling, this made me smile as well.

Once we were at the end, Dad let go of my arm and walked away to join my mum. I turned back to James, "Don't ask where they all came from."

-------------------------------three months later

Three weeks later, my sister had her baby shower and I had a secret. It wasn't only my sister that was pregnant, I was as well.

"Now I know, this is supposed to be Maria's day but I want to say this while I have you all here in one place. I'm pregnant as well."

Everyone's eyes went wide and Maria came up to me, "Well then Sis, I guess our children will one be about six months apart from each other right?"



Three months later, my sister had her baby, a girl which she named Alicia (Y/n) (R/L/N). I was surprised she named her after me, and I now knew that even if it was a boy, I would name my child after her.

And I was right, a further six months later Martha Maria Madison was born. She was a spitting image of her father and James was literally cooing so much over her saying she was the cutest child he had ever seen, "Of course that's the case James, you made her!"

His face went bright red, "Actually we both did, and she extra cute because you're cute as well."

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