{ chapter 12 } 🍋

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It had now been roughly a week since you had talked to Lupin about the plan. Clearly he was having a hard time getting through to Snape. It was known around school that there was an unspoken rivalry between the two of them, so you knew there was a good chance Lupin hasn't even mentioned it to him yet.

You had caught eyes with Snape almost every day since you were told to stay apart by Dumbledoor. You would find yourself holding eye contact with him from across the great hall for extended amounts of time, before being snapped out of it by Jasmine asking what you are looking at. The way he played with your hair and looked into your eyes at the hospital wing, pushed his torso against you and covered your mouth when hiding you from Dumbledoor, placed his hands above your head pinning you against the wall when you gave him attitude in potions, told you to use your words after you asked him to stop reading your mind. The way he simply spoke to you made you feel things, and being without him felt like a nightmare of withdrawal. The past weeks had been the biggest rollercoaster of emotions ever, and you were riding it with none other than Severus Snape.

It was late, everyone was asleep. Even though last time you went on a walk you almost got caught, you decided to go on another one anyway. I wouldn't mind being shoved against the wall by Snape again to be honest. You walked through the hallway, making sure to be careful this time of any suits of armour in your way. Somewhere you had always wanted to see after dark was the astrology tower, you had unintentionally walked to the bottom of it and couldn't help but go in. You walked up the winding staircase to be met with the looming figure of the potions master at the top. What is he doing here?             

"Professor..." You whispered to yourself in disbelief, he turned to face you, "Come to me girl." He beckoned in a dark, seductive tone," Yes sir." You both began to advance towards each other, desperate for each other's touch. Your bodies collided, he grabbed your waist, pulled you close and tenderly caressed your collarbone with his lips. You pushed yourself upwards towards him so you could feel his dominant body grind against yours," Such a needy little Gryffindor." He groaned. With that he yanked you forwards by your hips and crashed his lips into yours. Small whimpers escaped you as he pressed his toned body harder against yours, it felt so good. His tongue made its way past your lips, into your mouth and explored every inch. He slipped your cloak delicately off your shoulders and let it drop to the floor by your ankles." Won't be needing this." He growled, as he laced his hands into your hair to deepen the kiss. Oh my.

Without warning Lupin entered the room, he was holding a chair in his hands and placed it down in the middle without uttering a word. Wha?! He just walked in to see Snape's tongue halfway down my throat and treated it like it was nothing?!  "Bring her here Severus." He muttered. Ay? Snape continued to kiss you passionately, feeling your entire body as you melted into his hands like putty. For some reason you didn't care that Lupin was there, or where you were being brought to for that matter. Snape placed you down in the chair and Lupin removed his belt, tying your hands behind your back with it. Oh my god.

You shot a look at Lupin, he had a hungry glint in his eye. Snape tilted your chin towards him, he was now on his knees between your spread legs, kissing up your thighs as Lupin approached you from behind . Damn, yes. You cocked your head back in pleasure to be met with Lupin's warm lips on yours. This is too much. He bit your lip softly as he pulled away from your unexpected make out," I told you I'd make the plan with Snape work sweetheart." He chuckled. This was a very different plan than you had previously discussed, but you were not complaining.

Snape was still between your legs, he was moving further and further up your thighs as Lupin littered your neck with playful bites. "Keep on making those pretty little noises for us darling...such a good girl." Oh my god these men will be the death of me! You thrust your hips towards Snape desperately, through whimpers you tried to tell him, " Please...I...I need..." Lupin and Snape shared an amused look due to your struggle to speak, " Give it to her Severus, before the poor girl explodes." Snape looked back at you, staring deeply into your eyes before replying , " It would be my pleasure." All of a sudden the door to the tower flew open, stood there was an enraged Dumbledoor, "SEVERUSSSS!"

Your eyes shot open and you flew out of bed. It was a fucking dream?! You were breathing heavily and adrenaline was still pumping fast through your veins. You looked around the room, you were in your dorm and Jasmine was sound asleep next to you. When did I fall asleep? You looked at the clock then rubbed your eyes. And where the fuck did Lupin come from? Lupin was not a bad looking man, but you had never once had any feelings towards him. It felt weird knowing in your dream that he was seeing you in a completely different way. Dumbledoor's voice, as he shouted at Snape, echoed through your head. Severussss!

"Severus." You repeated, but with pure lust instead of Dumbledoor's anger. You quickly fell back to sleep.

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