Ch 33 - Maa sa arrival

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I'm going to upload love or cage after completing this book.❤️


(Next morning)

Is this true? -"I asked"

Yes, my king, I have hold on some information that there is nothing going on sirai and they didn't increase the security too -" General commander said"

But why? Doesn't it seems suspicious -" I asked"

Yes, you are right, that's what I want to find but even our spies are not responding to us, except one.

Who's that one? -"I asked"

it's Adik, our loyal men who's working as the spy in the sirai.

So, are you sure that's it's Adik? what if anything happened to him? because only he's the one who's responding us!

King, it's a complicated question and I'm trying to find the answer of this, that's why I'm leaving for sirai.

What? How can you go there alone? It's too risky, I can't allowed that.

Please king, it's necessary for our country -"he requested"

No, I can't lose you anymore

King, please I request you and what about if I didn't return in 15 days, it's means there are some danger lurking in.

We can send any other men, you are precious for our country.

No king, it's my duty and I will do it.

Fine, but remember to return in 15 days -"I said"

And take prabhat and jayakant with you at the border for some days, now it's time for them to learn something.

Sure king .

(After a while)

Where's kriti !.. It's been so long and she's not here -" I thought"

wait is she shy? but she's not like that anymore

No No, I think she's busy anywhere, but why did she didn't have any time for me.

Arya -"vijaya called"

Oh what happened now -"I said without looking at him"

Which thought are you lost in, arya? -"he asked"

Kriti -"I murmured"

Hain? What? -"he asked"

Nothing I'm just tensed about sirai -"I said"

Don't worry, I already sent my men to find out.

What? When did you send them -" I asked"

Just some days ago, it's was necessary arya, I'm sorry I didn't ask you.

Vijaya, I'm not going to said anything but it's your duty now, don't come to me with complaints.

Yess, that's what I want to listen but yes I have one bad news ! -" vijaya said"

Rajmata is coming tomorrow, I have read the letter of her because you were busy with bhabhi saa.

I was discussing some matter with her regarding the war but wait why did you called this as a bad news? -" I said and glared at him"

Because my bhabhi saa gets upset and If she is sad then you will be sad too hahahah - "vijaya teased"

Vijaya, you ! today I'm really going to throw you outside of this palace. -"I throwed a book towards him"

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