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In Castle above in the upper echelons of the hightower, wind whooshed through the windows of the brushing past her aurburn hair in hues of red.

The first place she could remember her mother chasing she and her older sister, was on a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water.

Alyrie Florent would tell them stories both pleasant and scarry ones as they broke bread with stew, sometimes pie or ate cookies and cake, laughed at jokes, watched their mother make embroidery in patterns of colorful shades, weaved their hair, took them to the Sept to pray or to the garden to pluck fruits and plant flowers, blissful moments of motherly love, care and affection.

Alicent remembered some shady trees leaned over it the pond and rushes as water-lilies grew at the deep end, she reminisced and when Charlotte would bring books and cookies for them to eat and read under the weirwood tree, good memories etched upon her heart.

Memories now turned sour and cold like their mother's grave. Separated for ten years and Alicent still can't figure out what her older sister look like.

Over the hedge on one side of her window, the aurburn haired looked into a vast ploughed fields in the outskirts of Old Town. Dawn, the roaster crowed. The birds chirps in the sky while the winds blew swiftly, she could hear the indistinct chatters from the city.

Suddenly Lady Lynesse calls her name from the stairs. "Alicent!....."Alicent!....."Where are you?"

Hissing with rolled eyes, the aurburn haired went behind the curtains in her room and huffs, she could hear her aunt's voice loud like a bell. "ALICENT!!!"

Ten years since her father and Charlotte left for Kings Landing didn't feel right with her. She missed them, wrote to them, but only father responded to her letters, her older sister never sent a word.

"Charlotte must really hate me." Alicent thought as she looked out the window as her aunt's keeps calling her name.

"Alicent! Alicent! Gods that girl is driving me mad!" Lady Lynesse raged pacing around the house, questioning the servants. "Have you searched the cellar? And the attic? the library? the kitchen? Have you seen her dresses?

No one replied, suddenly a handmaid brings her teal green dress, gently walking down the stairs, holding up the gown.

Lady Lynesse exhales sharply. "She's not even dressed yet, oh for goodness sake! Her suitor is going to here anytime now." She hissed and trailed down the hallways searching for their niece. "Alicent!"

Lynesse groans as a maid comes to her aid "Are you well my Lady?" asked the maidservant.

Lynesse hisses "I'm bleeding inside. All thanks to that girl! Now bring me my schnapps." She commands.

"Yes my Lady." The maid cutised and walks away.

Lynesse takes the stairs, ascending with rage and began striding the corridors of the rooms, until she meets her other daughter Olivia Hightower coming out of her rooms brushing her hair.

"Is your cousin with you?"

"No mother..... not at this time." replied Olivia

Lynesse scoffs. "We need to bathe her, dress her and set that awful tidy hair or hers. Lord Tyrell and his son Ser Garlen will be here to pay her pride price. Today will not be sabotaged by that ingrate!" She walks past her daughter and goes to Alicent's door.

Olivia only feels a pang of heartbreak, her crush is going to engage her cousin. Jealously gleamed in her orbs.

"Alicent! Are you in there? come outside now. I'm warning you."

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