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On the stormy sea, a ship sailed to DragonStone, as waves casted tempest against the reef and rocks. Waves crashed against shores aggressively as they approached DragonStone.

Fog covered the harsh landscape of Island. The Hand and the knights ascended to meet the adversaries, while Daemon descended to meet them.

"Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto." Daemon said happily with the highest smugness as he approaches the narrow bridge with his gold cloaks and Mysaria, he peered, glancing around searching for Maegor.

"Your occupation of this island is at an end.
You're to relinquish the dragon's egg,...disband your army,...banish your whore, and leave Dragonstone by order of His Grace, King Maegor" Otto relayed the message sternly.

"Where is the King? I don't see him." Daemon mused

"His Grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce." Otto informs him.

"I'd advise you give us the egg my prince." Ser Criston voiced out.

Daemon cackled, smartly calculated the men with Otto, before drifting his gaze to the Dornish knight. "Ser Crispin, wasn't it?."

"Ser Criston Cole, my Prince." He corrected.

"Ah, Yes, apologies. I couldn't recall." Daemon remarked smugly.

"Perhaps my Prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse." Ser Criston retorted with an utmost dignity and composure.

Daemon chuckles. "Very good."

"This is a truly pathetic show, Daemon." Otto told him "Are you so desperate for the King's attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"

"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his heir." Daemon said innocently.

"Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty, not for bastards fathered on a common whore." Otto corrected

"Lady Mysaria is to be my wife." Daemon corrected.

"This is an abomination. With every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brother's reign." Otto shouted at him with impunity.

"Our love does not know titles and traditions." Daemon smiles smugly.

"And what of you, men of the City Watch?
Aiding the Prince in his treason?!" Otto turned to the gold cloaks behind him

"The King made me their commander. They are loyal to me. I'm sure you understand loyalty and it's concepts Otto.....You've come for the egg. Here it is. Come and take it." Daemon held it out.

The dragon egg, formerly picked for Baelon's cradle was large with tiny black scales, simmering like polished metal.

Otto stared at the egg, it's worth far higher than the gold mines of Casterly Rock and Daemon acted as if it is a novelty.

"Are you mad?" He questioned. "You'd never survive this." Otto countered.

"Well, happily, neither would you." Daemon retorted with a grin as he redrew his outstretched hand to side.

"To chose violence, here, is to declare war against your King. Your brother." Otto cautioned.

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed.

"Even if it ends in the death of your unborn child and its mother?" Otto countered.

Immediately Daemon's face darkened, and in an instant, draws out Dark Sister his sword, as the gold cloaks follow his led, Ser Criston and Ser Harrold does the same as the Targaryens knights unsheathe their swords.

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