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Rheanyra hated her uncle's wife. She knows the Hightowers badly wants their blood on the iron throne, yet she hopes King Maegor will choose Ariel to succeed him, instead of Aegon.

The thought of her uncle choosing Alicent over Charlotte still drove her insane. Hearing her nephew's name, Aegon, made her even more furious, loathing the mother and the son.

"♪ Under the dragon's eye ♪"

"♪ Under the dragon's eye ♪"

"Again." Rheanyra ordered dryly.

"Perhaps the Princess might like to hear something else?" Samwell offered.

"She would not. Play it again."

The minstrel clears his throat.

"♪ She fled with her ships ♪"

"♪ And her people ♪"

"♪ Her heart broken for those ♪"

The godswood welcomes Queen Alicent with soft embrace of music and fresh air. From the large oak weirwood tree, she sees her sister-in-law from afar and could tell she is reading, so, she carefully took the steps down nearing the Princess.

The minstrel jumps on his feet when he sees the witcher's wife walking up the path.

"Your Grace."

"Did I say to stop?' Rheanyra asked, ignoring her uncle''s wife presence as she flips the page.

As Alicent attempted to speak, Rheanyra orders the minstrel. "From the beginning."

Slowly the man sat back down, his fingers, returning to strum the lutte strings.

"♪ She fled with her ships ♪"

Alicent sighs. "Rhaenyra?"

"Yes, my Queen" the Princess responded, not bothering to look up from the book.

"Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard." Alicent smiles rubbing her belly. "The royal hunt readies to depart."

"I've decided to remain here and read instead."

"You may go, Samwell." Alicent ordered the minstrel as his singing now annoys her.

The minstrel stood up immediately.

"You are to stay by order of the Princess." Rheanyra snapped.

"The Queen commands you to leave the Godswood at once!" Alicent's tone was stern.

Rheanyra glares at Alicent Hightower for exercising authority. Samwell immediately scrambled to his feet and bows. "Princess. Your Grace.." he fled the garden.

"The King wishes for you to join us." Alicent prodded.

"The King has much to celebrate. He does not need me." Rheanyra responds bitterly, flipping to another page.

Alicent becomes impatient. "Your uncle is being delayed because of you. He wants us all to go as a family. He wishes for his House to appear factionless."

Rheanyra scoffs. "As if the cracks didn't already exit, since the day he mistakenly married you, instead of Charlotte." she enunciated.

Alicent sighs. "Your uncle chose me as his wife." she says breezily.

Rheanyra let's out a jape laugher. "Did he now? Or you think I wouldn't know you offered him comfort into manipulating him in marrying you." She shot the Queen a glare.

Alicent sighs, ignoring her taunts. "Rheanyra, I didn't come here to trade words with you. The King wants for us all to be together. We could use this moment to connect. Perhaps the hunt could be... fun, for the both of us." she offered, squeezing her hands on her bulge.

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