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"The King has summoned us to the small council chamber this morrow." Otto declares as they ate breakfast that morning.

"Us?" Charlotte quipped with a beamed smile.

Otto nods, chewing gently as he sipped his wine. "Yes, you and your sister." he murmured

Alicent looked up from her plate. "Me?"

"The both of you." Otto counters as he ate his food.

"D-did he have a reason?" Alicent asked, as her grip tightened around her cutleries.

"It is rather unusual, but he demanded that the council father immediately." Otto says sternly.

"And he requested that we be there? Alicent and I?" Charlotte asks.

Otto pauses, sending her a glare to shut up and eat.

Begrudgingly, Charlotte looked over at her younger sister with disdain, she held Alicent's gaze for a moment, they both share a look trying to figure out the issue, then tore their gaze from each other, down at their plates, eating their meal without dithering.

Yet Charlotte arched a brow in confusion, she once one meet the gaze of Alicent with an uneasy expression, whatever the King summoned them for, she is on winning side, why borther herself with this hateful bitch sitting across the table.

The aurburn haired didn't utter a word but stares down at her plate innocently as her body grew tense, while her vulva seemed to be conflicted with the frictions in her thighs, the burning sensation in her core, and the pains, mixed with pleasures, from last night's escapades with the King.

The noises of cutleries clattering plates could be heard in the room, as the Hightowers ate in solitude.

Moments later, Both girls make their way into the Red Keep's entrance hall behind their father as he strides with pride with his ego coiled around his esteemed neck.

Currently it is the first week of the fifth moon of the year. The bells tolled indistinctly, seemingly the palace was slightly crowded with noble lords and ladies alike.

Guards were stationed in duty, Unsullied were positioned at every corner of the Red Keep on strict security.

The palace is alive with activity as, lords, laides, knights and noblemen flanked the corners of the Red Keep hallways, moving about the castle talking over court.

Servants, maidservants, manservants, knights, lords and ladies curtly greets the Hand of the King as his daughters trailed him dutifully head high with grace and poise.

As they began ascending the stairs into the upper echelons of Red Keep, yesterday's memories seeped into her mind as she took each step. It all comes back to Alicent, rewinding last night in flashes of fragments. Reminding her of her time with King Maegor Targaryen and the moments they shared in the confines of his bedchamber.

When they reached the second floor and turned into the corridor. Charlotte outrightly demeans Alicent abashedly.

"It is a beautiful day don't you think sister?"

Alicent doesn't respond as they walked past people in the Red Keep.

"I wouldn't know what you call you, once I'm married to His Grace. But be rest assured your place at court will be seemingly innocuous." She says breezily.

"Get off your high horse sister. You think you're brazen to be deemed worthy of marrying the King." Alicent replies dryly.

"Ofcourse. I am worthy, his Grace is quite taken by me." Charlotte boasted.

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