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The First Lady of Seven Kingdoms, Queen Mellario Martell, wife to King Maegor II Targaryen, is in her late twenties. Nine years have passed, still unable to produce an heir, yet here she was pregnant with another child
after coupling with the King, taking antibiotics, herbs, bathing in salt water and drinking raw eggs every morning, the gods again have made her fertile.

Rumors even linger in the Red Keep that she's barren and cursed. Despite being infertile with many miscarriages, still births and dead children in her cradle, the pain of not being a mother haunts her.

Shocking, but over a week ago, Maegor beheaded three servants in the Red Keep and two nobles for calling his Queen barren and speculating gossip. Mellario pleaded with him but the King turned deaf ears and ordered their heads to be hanged on the rampants for all to see.

Although, it's good to have a supportive husband but the Mellario yearns to give Maegor an heir, even when he has chosen Daemon inline for the succession of the iron throne. The Queen finds it absurd and will make sure to produce an offspring for the King.

Her black hair was like coal-colored and tousled, she wore it loose, flowing richly behind her back.

After so many trails and their last consummation, the Queen is currently 8 moons pregnant and the realm is tensed, hoping the gods will favor and bless her womb with a son: their future King.

The curvy woman is all belly. She lies abed, taking short breaths as she finds even simple movement to be a great labor.

With the help of her hand maidens she sat back straight, resting her back and head on the pillow while a handmaid fans her. Sweaty and flushed; strands of hair cling to the Queen's forehead. The room is busy with attending handmaids.

A Septa lights candles, and a Maester sits at a writing desk making notes. Rhaenyra arrives and stands in the doorway, looking in on her aunt but keeping her distance. Charlotte stands beside her in support.

Rhaenyra thought of lies she could come up with but her mother was quick to sight her.

"Ah..... Rheanyra. I sent Jeyn to look to for you so we could have breakfast, but your chambers were empty. Where have you been?" Mellario demanded.

Rheanyra turns to her best friend for help.

Charlotte shrugs and whispered. "I can't help you."

Rheanyra makes a face at Charlotte, then looks back to her aunt, crossing the threshold into the chamber, gently she walks in slower yet at a subtle pace with grace and poise as befitting a princess.

"You know I don't like you to go flying while I'm in this condition. I need you by my side. Sweetling." Mellario address her daughter.

"You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition." Rheanyra corrected.

"You're just like your uncle." Mellario remarked.

Rheanyra grins and dutifully kisses her on the forehead.

"Your Grace." Charlotte bows courtesy to the Queen.

"Good morrow, Charlotte." Mellario kindly replies.

Charlotte looks in on the pregnant queen from a distance away, seeing the activity and care surrounding her. Queen Mellario is presently the most important woman in the Seven Kingdoms, she currently carries the future heir, a position she coverts, Charlotte has always admired Queen Mellario, her etiquettes, dressing, manners of speaking, elegance, her charisma, and philanthropy and beauty.

But she envies the fact that she's married to the most powerful man in the realm, the man she admires from afar, if only she has the opportunity of having a moment with the King, he will not regret it.

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