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Coming from the Sept of Baelor, Queen Alicent water broke, and immediately she went into a heavy labour, and the royal wheel house rode to the Red Keep with speed, then Her Grace was ushered to the birthing chamber by her handmaidens.

When news reached King Maegor, he dismissed the small council and told Ser Otto to stand in gap for him, while Ser Harrold fetches his niece Rheanyra immediately.

Maegor could hear Alicent's screams while he paced back and forth, rubbing his temples, he prayed she has a safe delivery, and not suffer the same fate like Aemma or Mellario.

Suddenly the doors are opened and he addressed the targaryen knight. "Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam. Hand deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself." He ordered the knight, handing him a small roll of parchment.

"At once, Your Grace." Ser Addam bowed, exiting the room, as Princess Rheanyra comes in.

"Dwarfstone? What's happened?" Rheanyra asked.

"I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones for his cause."

"Did he make call for help?" Rheanyra sighs.

"He'd sooner die.....But his king does not mean to allow that." Maegor counters as his niece took a seat, fiddling with her rings.

"Alicent is in labor." Maegor half smiles.

Rheanyra forced an awkward smile. "I wish her a safe delivery." She tried to be ecastic as she could.

"What do you think of Lord Dalton Greyjoy's proposal?" He asks.

Rheanyra shifted in her seat. "The iron Island is too toxic, Lord Cregan is nice, but the North is too far from home and cold, and Prince Oberyn Martell is not quite not my type, he's a menace."

Maegor gave a long sigh. "So how about you tour around the Seven Kingdoms?"

Rheanyra shot him a glare. "To do what?"

"To find a husband Rheanyra!" Maegor retorts. "You've been distant these past few moons, and it breaks my heart. You've rejected every knight, every lord that has requested your hand in marriage." He ranted, his red orbs narrowed at her lilac eyes. "Where have I gone wrong with you my dear?" He asks looking frustrated with her attitude.

"The moment you failed to marry my best friend, you shattered me, beyond repair." She murmurs begrudgingly.

Maegor scoffs. "Is that it, you're still worried about a minor issue. Gods Rheanyra you're not a child, stop trying to think you can have a say in people's lives, they do not owe you their livelihoods. I chose Alicent, because I love her, Alicent is a good wife, well cultured, well mannered, she pleases me, and has been a good mother to Ariel and Aegon. Do you not think my decision incorrect?"

"It is no consequence to what I think...as I'm often reminded." Rheanyra counters.

Maegor sighs. "Alicent seem to be the only one who understands me. Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him as well? It's being five years since I married Alicent Hightower and I'm happy with her, you should too. Must everything be a battle?" He questioned.

"If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock." Rheanyra shot him a glare.

Maegor sighs "I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?" He argued.

"Because you mean to replace me.....Y-You have no further use for me. You might as well peddle me for what you can. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships, sell me off like a broodmare." Rheanyra outrightly stated the obvious.

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