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Charlotte and Alicent were already seated in front of the King and the Hand as befits their station, neither of them spoke a word to each other. It appears the rift between them has affected their communication.

Alicent blinks, sighing in frustration, fiddling with her fingernails, looking over to the seat beside her, it appears Princess Rheanyra hasn't arrived.

The heir's tournament has finally come, and Rheanyra is late. As is her usual custom.
She emerges from the steps at the rear of her father's royal box on King's Landing's tournament grounds.

The princess hustles through slashes of sunlight filtering in through the slatted roof of the box, large enough to seat fifty nobles and friends of the Targaryens.

She climbs across a group of irritated courteous nobles, her eyes trails over the crowd, seeing her best friend's brown hair glowing in the light, pulled back, slightly cascaded down with weaves.

In all, two hundred knights from every house and hedge great and small have come to join the games to be held in honor of the king and queen's new child.

Banners from every kingdom flap in the warm springtime wind. Smallfolk gather on the perimeter of the tourney grounds, trying to catch a glimpse of a favorite knight and immediately the trumpet sounds.

There's jousting, fighting and politics. Drums began pounding in rhythms as the Maegor stood up to address the crowd.

"Be welcome! I know many of you have travelled long leagues for these games. But I promise that you will not be disappointed. When I look out at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories." the King declares, his voice echoes in the arena.

Rhaenyra has seen her uncle rise from her seat at the front of the box, still some rows ahead of her. She picks up her pace as he begins his address.

"And this great day is made even more auspicious by the news that I'm happy to share: Queen Mellario has begun her labors!" Maegor declares wholeheartedly as the crowd cheer for the impending birth.

Immediately Rheanyra passes in front of her uncle, he throws her a sidelong glance laced with disappointment, frustration, and love.
She is dressed in silver and wears the Valyrian steel pendant that her uncle, Daemon, gave her.

The crowd continues to cheer to the news as Rhaenyra hurries to her seat, her feet nearly stumbling beneath her in her haste. Alicent joins in clapping, examining the grounds closely.

"May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!" Maegor continues as the arena shouted in cheers, clapping.

"Let me guess you went to see the Queen before you arrived?" Charlotte began.

Rheanyra nods. "I had to spend time with her before coming."

"That's a good gesture." Charlotte smiles.

Rheanyra turns to the aurburn haired, who seem to keep a straight face, quietly seated beside her. "Hello Alicent."

Bemused, Alicent leans to the white haired girl. "Welcome, princess." she smiles.

Rheanyra only half smiles. "How are you finding kings landing?"

"Brillant, the ambiance is ethereal." Alicent replies.

Charlotte sighs, pouting with jealousy.

"Charlotte tells me you ride horses professionally." Rheanyra remakes as both sisters cut glances with each other.

Alicent only smiles. "I do. What about you?"

"Sometimes, I love riding Syrax, but I'd like us to ride horses later, once my nephew is born." Rheanyra offered.

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