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Princess Rheanyra consoled her best friend, as they wept together in the courtyard. King Maegor was livid to the bad news, everyone was shocked as well, there was no suspect, nor victim to point accusing fingers at. All they knew was that Borros drank too much wine and fell off the balcony, crashing his skull.

All the lords and ladies felt pity for the Hand's daughter, and deemed the day, a black cloud, for the King had installed Princess Ariel as heir and a death had casted a shadow on the Red Keep.

Queen Alicent couldn't care less, for she was still reeling with rage at the proclamation of Ariel being named heir and Aegon being King Consort, all her sacrifices to bear her husband a son, now seem like child's play. "Aegon should be the heir, not that bastard girl." She thought as her orbs landed on her wailing sister, the new widow of Storm's End.

Lord Boremurd carried his grandson Brandon, to where the silent sisters prepared his son's body, covering the new heir's face from seeing the corpse of his dead father. Ser Borros Baratheon's body was placed in a wooden coffin, his widow Lady Charlotte wept like a broken wife, as the wheel house rode out the Red Keep back to Storm's End.

Queen Alicent shed no tear, nor felt any pity for her elder sister, for she suspected Charlotte had a hand in her husband's death. Sighing, she left the King and Princess in courtyard and went back into the palace, head high like a beacon.

In the Red Keep hallways, lit scones lights the halls, breaking the darkness that had blanketed the capital. Queen Alicent proceeded to her chambers with her retinue, as the nobles bowed in obeisance.

Flames danced over the candles, scattered across the room, on the Myrish carpet. Aegon toddled around his wet nurse with exhilaration, while she made exaggerated movements to catch him. Queen Alicent chuckles sweetly, watching her son enjoy himself.

The doors are closed as Queen Alicent peeks up at the sound of footsteps entering the solar, her face somewhat fell as her father entered the space. His presence alone meant another political scheme or something that'll taint her safety and refuge Aegon offered her.

Immediately the wet nurse stood up and  stepped forward, sweeping Aegon into her arms. "Come, sweet Prince. Let's give Her Grace some peace."

"Mama!" Aegon cooed.

"Goodnight my baby boy. Sleep well pumpkin." Queen Alicent pecks her son, as the wet nurse takes him away.

Otto's eyes swept over the richly furnished chamber, until his sharp gaze seetled on his daughter. Curtly, he bows. "Good evening Your Grace?"

"Evening." Alicent hummed breezily.

"A bad omen on this auspicious day." Otto began. "Charlotte must be bereft." He says worriedly.

Alicent sighs, rubbing her belly. "Perhaps you can find her, another suitable husband, once she's grieved Borros well enough, atleast she provided him an heir and secured Storm's End like you've always wanted." She says cheekily.

Otto sighs, looking at his daughter appalled. "Aren't you suppose to be feeling sympathy for your elder sister. She just lost her husband...."

Alicent shot her father a glare, interrupting him. "I only sympathize with Brandon, I hope he gets closure and grow in a peaceful environment. For Charlotte, I couldn't care less, and beside, you were to going to marry me off to Storm's End until Maegor chose me his bride, did you not? You never had a future for me. Even back then, Charlotte had no love nor sympathy for me. She treated me, like a shadow, and you watched her and said nothing! You did nothing!" She ranted.


The Hightower Queen snapped. "You will address me as Queen Alicent.... Lord Hand, do not forget yourself. I haven't forgotten what you did to my mother either, how you abused her physically and emotionally, you've always favored Charlotte over me, treated her better over me, gave her the better life, while I grew up alone at Old Town with your wicked brother and his evil wife, alone I had to figure my life, I only survived with my brothers who loved me, so don't try to gaslight the situation and act pious. Yes Charlotte lost her drunken husband, nothing less. So get on, with whatever you want to discuss with me." She deadpans.

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