{ chapter 29 } 🍋

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Snape took a moment to really look at you, allowing his eyes to dance over your body and appreciate every inch." You look gorgeous Y/N." He took you in his hands and slowly spun you to face away from him. " Simply delectable." His grip was gentle, but his fingertips ached with desire. I need this man so badly. He slowly traced his fingers up your exposed back, causing you to shudder in delight." Don't be such a tease Sev." You whinged, the tension in the atmosphere was burning. " I'm not teasing darling, simply admiring." He cooed, placing small but suggestive kisses down your neck and collarbone.

" Let me see your handsome face." You spun around to be met with him utterly overtaken with need. The eye contact you held was intense, almost desperate. You couldn't wait any longer and knew neither could he. " May I worship you even further sweetheart , explore every part of your beauty as I have wanted to for so very long?" He asked. You simply swooned, throwing yourself at him. He caught you, pulling you in for the most passionate kiss of your life. He explored your mouth in the most sensual way with his tongue, lightly slipping his fingers into the straps of your dress and sliding them down your arms.

You pulled yourself closer into his chest, not being able to resist immediately going for his belt buckle. His breath hitched in his throat and he broke the kiss," Naughty Naughty Miss L/N, seems you have wanted this just as much as I have." You smirked in response, still working on his buckle until it finally came undone ," Don't act like you forgot all the times I fantasised about this in class." You replied, now biting your bottom lip. " I could never forget that dirty little mind of yours." He growled back, picking you up and pressing you against the nearest wall. His lips slammed back into yours hungrily, craving the satisfactory taste of your mouth on his. A small whimper escaped your throat, he swallowed each moan and noise that came after that with the deepest passion. His hands began to pull your dress down further as yours slid slowly towards his now open trousers. You could feel his hardness pulsating against your lower stomach as he pressed himself closer into you, the heat between your legs ached for his touch.

" Severus wait." You said out of nowhere. He immediately pulled away, " Oh darling, did I make you feel uncomfortable?" You slid your hands back onto his shoulders, shaking your head, " No, not at all. You know how much I want this, but I can't continue with the thought of Jasmine in my head...I want it to be special for us when the time comes." He tucked a peice of hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead tenderly. " I understand, nonetheless you are looking most extraordinary tonight." You couldn't help but smile, " And so do you Sev, you always do." He buckled his belt back up, rearranging his manhood before helping you pull up your dress. You still craved him massively. Seeing him bricked up because of you was enough to make you drop to your knees in an instant.

Jasmine being missing wasn't the issue, it's what she was doing that worried you. You knew she was up so something and that is what you had to find out. " Severus, I know you don't like me investing my time in Jasmine, but I know she didn't just disappear, she is up to something. I am going to find her and discover what exactly that is, I want you to come with me." He took a deep breath, not parting his eyes from yours. " I'm sorry I had to ruin our moment for this Sev." You apologised, turning your gaze to the floor. Snape titled your chin upwards to him," Believe me, we will have many more moments Y/N, don't you worry. Now, let's go and find this runaway witch." More like fucking runaway bitch. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, giving him one last kiss before heading to the door and striding down the hallway.

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