92: Good luck charm

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That same day

Luciana's point of view

The moment his French ass walks through the door I can tell he has a story to tell. His eyes are full of excitement.

'Luciana... we may have done something stupid', he smirks.

He's barely contained as he tries to give me the rundown of their casino afternoon. As he talks, I lean back against the couch, listening intently to his animated gestures and enthusiastic recounting. His words are becoming more slurry and French-like, he does that when he's really excited.

'So, there we were, standing around the roulette table, thinking we were on top of the world', he laughs, his voice filled with pride and humor. 'We were certain our luck would hold'.

'Mon Dieu, dix mille euros?', I say shocked

'Relax, we pooled together so technically I only lost 3.333 thousand', he smirks.

'I'm real glad it's your money', I laugh. 'You boys and your 'sure things'. I swear, you three would bet on the sun rising'.

Charles sits down next to me and laughs while he pulls me closer. 'You know us too well, Luce. It wasn't just about the money though, the thrill... it was amazing'.

I nod, understanding that for the guys it's the experience and company that matters more than anything, they don't need to double their money, they earn more money in one weekend than most people do in their entire lives. 'Just make sure you save some of that thrill for me, alright?'.

He grins, brushing a kiss against my neck. 'Always, Princess'

Sienna's point of view

I'm in the kitchen when Lando storms in, a mischievous grin on his face. I can sense he's eager to share and I pause in my preparations, raising an eyebrow at him.

'Dios mío, what did you do?', I smile.

'We were at the casino, it was... amazing... we lost though'

'Glad you had a fun time', I kiss him. 'How much did you lose?'

'Uhm... you might not like it', he says shyly.

'Oh come on, it's not like you lost 5000 euros', I joke.

'No...', Lando coughs. 'We lost double'.

'What?', I say

'We lost ten thousand euros', he tries to hide his smile.

'Lando!', I laugh as I 'slap' him with the kitchen towel.

'I'm sorry!!', he smiles.

'Sounds like you had quite the adventure', I say, placing my hands on my hips. 'Ten thousand euros? Really?'.

'Lando holds up his hands in defense, though he can't wipe the wide grin off his face. 'It was Max's idea! It seemed like a good one... at the time'.

I roll my eyes, though my heart isn't in it. His enthusiasm is contagious and it'll kill me one day. 'You're lucky it wasn't all your money, or I might've had to give you a proper scolding'.

'No! Miss Sainz, please don't punish me', he jokes as he wraps his arms around me. 'Next time you'll have to come with us. Keep me in line'.

'You might need that, honestly. Just promise me dinner at a nice place to make up for it', I laugh, leaning into him.

'Deal', he says, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. 'Maybe you'll be my good luck charm'.

Maeve's point of view

'You took 'Threw a hundred dollar bill on the street' a bit seriously, didn't you?', I laugh.

I'm lounging on the balcony, soaking in the late afternoon sun when Max joins me, two glasses in hand.

He hands me one and gives me a soft kiss on my forehead. Alright, we're doing this I guess?

'Me and the guys had quite the afternoon', he smiles as he takes a sip.

'You could say that', I laugh.

Max shrugs, leaning against the railing. 'It was fun, though. Something about the roulette wheel, all of us together... it felt right'.

I tilt my head, studying him. His body isn't rigid or stiff... it isn't stressed. 'You seem different when you talk about it. Relaxed, almost'.

He chuckles. 'It's nice to unwind, even if we didn't come out on top', he nods. 'Though maybe next time, I could use a bit of your luck'.

'Only if you promise to split the winnings with me', I joke, feeling warmth at his words.

He laughs, nodding. 'Of course, Maevey. Maybe you can teach me a trick or two'.

I video-called our group chat, the one with Sienna, Luce, and me in it.

'So, what happened when you realized you lost?', Luciana asks, her eyes glinting with curiosity, I can sense it through the screen.

I can see Charles rubbing the back of his neck, chuckling. 'We just kind of stood there, a table full of champagne and people around us expecting us to win. We stood there in disbelief like someone had pulled the rug out from under us'.

Lando chimes in, with a wide grin as he steals Sienna's phone. 'Then Max suggested we go celebrate our loss with more drinks, to console ourselves'.

Max laughs. 'In our defense, we're very good at celebrating'.

Sienna shakes her head, laughing. 'Yeah right, I bet you are. Next time we'll be there to keep you in check'.

'Exactly. I think you guys could use a bit of supervision', I nod, agreeing.

The guys groan in mock protest, but there's an underlying agreement in their voices. It's not just about the money or the thrill. It's about sharing these experiences with the people who matter.

'You know, we wanted to buy dinner with that money, take you all out', Charles sighs. 'I guess that's off'.

Suddenly I get a great idea.

'Wait, how late is it?', I ask, too lazy to check the time. (While video calling yeah I know I'm lazy)

'It's 17:56', Sienna says. 'Why?'.

'Girls', I say. 'Meet me at my hotel in 10 minutes, can you do that?', I smile.

'What about us?', Lando asks.

'You can come too, but you will stay at the hotel, I have an idea'.

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