{ chapter 35 } 🍋

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Before you knew it you had apparated to a dark and narrow street, very different to the one you were stood in just moments ago. You absorbed your surroundings, the moonlit sky, the chipped paving stones and the old brick houses. Where are we? A street sign soon came into view as Snape led you slowly by the small of your back down the path. 'Spinners end' You had not a clue where you were, but Snape seemed to know exactly where he was going. " Sev...where are we?" You whispered."Home." He matter of factly responded from behind as he continued to guide you. Home?! You both approached the front door of a house that, on the outside, looked the same as all the others you had already seen down the street. "Alohomora!" He uttered, unlocking the door and allowing you to step in.

It looked very different to Snape's chambers in Hogwarts, yet it still had that cosy warm feeling that emitted wherever he resided." It's lovely Severus. I'm just surprised...I thought you lived at Hogwarts." He ushered you into his lounge area, in there sat an armchair similar to the one in his dorm. He sat down and without a second thought, you automatically climbed onto him and straddled his lap. " I would rather kiss a toad than live in that place all my life." He muttered, gently stroking the length of your thighs as you ran your tired fingers through his raven hair. " The only thing you should be kissing Professor, is me." You immediately shot back. He raised an eyebrow in response." Is that so?" His deep, seductive tone made your ovaries feel like they were about to explode.

Before you knew it, the only thing you could feel was Snape's manly hands exploring your body and his tongue stroking yours. Everything felt okay now, you were on track to find Jasmine, Lucius had been fought off and you were simply melting in Snape's arms. The thought of Neville being taken still bothered you, but there was not much you could do at this hour. You propped yourself up, grinding on his lap and not once stopping kissing. A low groan of pleasure escaped his mouth, vibrating into yours. You briefly broke the kiss, almost whimpering in his grasp, " Prove it to me Sev, are you simply my professor or not ?" With that he pulled you back in firmly, standing unexpectedly as you wrapped your legs around his waist with a small squeal of excitement." Little witches who doubt me need to be taught a lesson." He hummed.

He carried you upstairs, holding you in his arms and placing hungry kisses all over your neck as he did so." Where are you taking me?" You whispered, starting to breathe more heavily in sexual desperation. He kissed up your neck until he got to your ear, before replying in his deliciously low voice, " To bed." You were pretty sure you were like Niagara Falls as this point. The sexual tension between the two of you could be cut with a knife, you had both wanted this for so long and had finally found the right moment to give in to all those months of desire.

He made it to the bed, placing you onto it in a gentlemanly manner. No matter how much he wanted to fuck your brains out, he always stayed respectful. He knelt down to the floor, a sight you never thought you would see. As you laid back, you felt his warm hands inch closer and closer to the hem of your skirt. Suddenly he stopped, your breath hitched in your throat, " Sev..." - " May I ?" He asked in a serious tone. May he? God yes! " Take me Sev, every part." You cried. His hands traced up to your soaked, lace panties and rolled them down your thighs until they dropped to the floor. Then off came your skirt and the sweater, until you were laid naked on his sheets as he continued to kneel and admire you. " Truly beautiful Y/N..." He took his index finger and swiftly ran it through your folds, you shuddered under his unexpected touch. " And truly wet." The image of him looming between your legs brought back the dream you had of the astrology tower in the best way possible, this time just drowning out Lupin.

He continued to feel you, running his fingers through your wetness until you begged for him to stop teasing. " Touch it Severus please...please." You moaned, pushing your hips towards him desperately. He moved his finger so it was precisely on your clit, "Here?" He smirked. A gasp of pleasure escaped your lips, he knew exactly where it was. " Oh Sev...yes there...oh god yes." He circled it with such accuracy, yet such tenderness that you couldn't quite believe you were not in heaven. The way he was pleasuring you, only thinking about your needs before his own was admirable. You knew Draco was the type of guy to make you suck his dick then run, Snape however was a real man and it showed.

Suddenly he let two of his thick fingers enter your warmth, sensually curling them as you bucked against his hand. Small groans left his lips and he continued to stretch you with his fingers." Such a tight little thing." He growled. You were turned on beyond belief. " Let me taste you." He pleaded. You attempted to sit up to kiss him when he ran his tounge over you stiffened clit in one wet swipe. Oh god. He wasn't asking to taste your lips for a kiss, he was asking to taste you. Your whimpers echoed off the walls as his experienced fingers and tongue worked in unison to bring you to the edge of climax. " Oh...ugh god I'm...I'm about to...ugh." You couldn't get your words out.  " Come undone for me darling, let my name rush out of that pretty little mouth of yours as you realise over my tongue." With that you pushed your hips towards the sky, crying his name as your earth shaking orgasm erupted from your core.

He rose from his knees and passionately kissed you as you gained your breath back. You pulled him close to your naked chest and seductively whispered in his ear, " I don't think that will be the only time someone comes tonight."
You were right.

A/N: I am not an experienced smut writer so notes for improvement would be great. X

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