chapter ♾️ 10

630 31 2

   Author's pov ...

     Bible make Jessa sleep on her bed while he looked all three thinking about something while he sits down with them ... While all three laid their head in the Bible lap....

  Bible:"Hahaha what happened to my brat kid's today huh? Are you guys upset that we can't enjoy our time today ? Neil Sigh and closed his eyes while all drifted to sleep ... 

  Nyla:"No... don't... don't come near us ..." Bible looked nyal talking in her sleep while a tear fell down her cheeks ...

  Bible:"It's ok nyal ... No one is here baby ..." Bible patted her head while he placed three pillows under their head ...

   Bible walks out while he finds Jes waiting for him ... He walked away not minding jes presence...

Jes:"Bible ... Wait we need to talk ...WHY ARE YOU JEALOUS OF ME ?..." Bible turned his head while he again started to walk towards his room...

Bible:"Excuse me Mr jes ... I'm not jealous of you and what I'm to you Mr jes ? I'm angry because of your so-called friend Ms. Hazel ... I don't like her getting close to my kids... And if you happen to meet her just remember to stay away from my babies ... Did I make it clear ..." Bible closed the door on jes face while he moved little from getting hurt ...

  Jes:"He dared to shut his door on my face... " Bible opened the door once again while he glared at jes...

  Bible:"Did you say anything behind my back huh? ... What's your problem first  that women hazel and now you're creating another problem for me ... Look I'm here to take care of your kids and it's more important to me did you understand and it's better you mind your business..." He again shut the door at his face ...

  Tharn:" Wow... Did you look what happened here right ?... Who is the owner of this house huh? So sad for jes ..." Jes looked at his parents and uncles while he walked away...

  Bible:"What happened to me ... Mr Bible keep your gay person thoughts inside don't let others know about your feeling towards mr jes and he is straight and us kids for god sake ... Calm down for a while this can't be happening... " Bible kept walking back and forth while walked inside the bathroom while a shadow passed outside his room ...

  Its been a weekend and kids woke up lately while Bible carried jessa down for her breakfast...

Neil/nyal/naomi:"Good morning p'bible ..." Bible smiled at them while he handed over the tab to them which made everyone super happy...

  Bible:"Just for two days ok ... You have to return it back to me by tomorrow night ... Now eat your breakfast properly..." Bible was feeding Jessa while he avoided Jes presence once again in the dining table ...

Type:"I think  Bible is equal to the Strom which causes huge damage huh? I'm right baby jes ..." Jes looked at his papa while he walked upstairs...

Jessa:"Type,tharn do you guys have work today ?..."

  Type:"Yes your stinky brat we work not outside but we will stay all day in the office room because we are soon going to start a new mall orientation ceremony just a little bit of work pending that's it can always disturb us ok ..." All four giggles at type's word while they both walk away ...

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