chapter ♾️ 35

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  Author's pov…

  Jes pulled bright towards the corner who looked at jes with frown … Jes took deep breath while facing bright with a sheepy smile…

Bright:”Just come to the point jes …Don't give me that damn sheepy smile of yours i can't stand it … Now what do you want huh?...” Jes patted bright shoulder while looking at Bible…

Jes:”Like i have mentioned before just three days we are holding our wedding bright and I want you to give me a copy of that photo can you huh?...” Bright laughed at jes words while shaking his head…

Bright:”You're going to frame it and hang it on your wall right huh?...” Jes rubs his neck awkwardly while nodding his head …

Jes:”That one looks good and I don't know  Bible can be this hot and sexy at same time …” Bright is so done with this love sick guy standing in front of him…

Bright:”Jesus…Your love sick dude …Don't worry I will send all the photos of Bible each time we hold a photoshoot and you can filter it and choose the photo you want to frame it … Sounds good right huh?...” Jes nodded his with a wide smile while bright walked away shaking his head…

On their way to home Bible don't even glance at jes …Because after all praises he got from everything makes him shy and awkward…He keep chewing his bottom lips while jes flicks his lips make Bible flinch…

Jes:”Baby what are you doing huh?...Why are you hurting your lips like that huh? What if it bleeds so it …why are nervous right now my god this baby of mine…” Bible rubbed his lips while glancing at jes who was busy focusing on the road…

Bible:”Even I don't expect the output of the photoshoot to be this perfect…Trust me na Jes this is my first ever photoshoot na and I'm embraced right now and I'm shy to gulf told me that today Eve they will publish it in social media page na …” Bible pouted like a baby while jes chuckled at his words …

Jes:”EVEN I DON'T EXPECT YOU TO BE THIS HOT AND SEXY … REALLY …REALLY YOU HAVE SEXY WAIST FOR SURE…” Bible keeps looking at jes before starting to laugh at his husband's comment…

Bible:”HOP…” Both laughed at the comment while Bible pinched jes cheeks before kissing it …

Jes parked his car while guards opened the door for them while Bible bowing to them before walking inside…

Guards:”Sir jes … You're really lucky to have sir's Bible … Only madam Neve would do such things to us whenever we open the door for her but now sir Bible does the same makes us happy… And congratulations on your wedding sir jes…” Jes patted his shoulder with a smile before walking inside and looked at his papa looking all tired…

Jes:”Is something wrong papa?...You're looking tired. Do you have a fever or something tell me …” Jes checked types temperature while type shook his head while hiding something from jes…

Bible:”Yes I noticed that your low today is something wrong papa?...wait let me make tea for you …” Type held Bible's hand with a smile …

Type:”I'm good nothing to worry, just stressed out of work that's it na …” Jes held type's wrist who pulled his hand from jes grip… “ I TOLD YOU I'M FINE JES …NOTHING…”Before type could speak jes pulled his papa’s hand tightly while he checked the pulse…Once he was done he looked type with wide eyes…

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