Chapter Seventeen

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The door to her room was pushed open. Ivy scurried in and Reil couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that she hadn't knocked before entering.

“Reil.” Her brows were pulled together in a frown.

“Ivy? Why're you here?” Reil used both elbows to pull herself up so she was no longer laying on the bed and was now sitting on it, resting her back on a pillow.

Ivy's hands were crossed over her chest as she walked to stand beside the bed.

“Why didn't you tell me what happened to you?”

“How did you find out? It was just yesterday.” Reil asked, surprised how Ivy could've known within those short periods.

“I dialed your number and Sarah answered the call, when I asked her what happened she told me everything.” Ivy explained, not seeming happy to have found out elsewhere.

Reil rolled her eyes at Sarah's outburst. Sarah had called her home number last night and Reil told her she'd sprained her ankle really bad.

“I'm alright, and perhaps, the doctor said it'd heal before the end of the week.” She shrugged like it was nothing.

Ivy's concerned look would make someone think her bone was broken or something.

“How do you feel now?”

“Better.” That wasn't true. Her ankle still hurt terribly, but she wasn't going to tell Ivy that.

“Are you sure? Do you need me to do anything for you?”

“There's no need, I've got lots of workers to help if I need anything.”

Ivy didn't seem convinced. She walked to a table, taking a balm from it, and walked back to sit on the bed beside Reil's ankle.

“Let me apply this for you and give it a little massage, okay?”

“Ivy,” she reached for Ivy's hand, pulling the balm off it and ignoring the pain that action caused, “there really isn't a need for that.”

After minutes of convincing, Ivy finally decided not to apply the balm.

They talked for about an hour. Talking about how the business was going and how she was feeling.

Ivy also bought up the conversation on marriage and Reil talked about love.

Soon, Ivy was gone and Reil was home alone again (not that it bothered her).

Few minutes later, Sarah came in with her phone, telling her to recover soon so she could help with the work.

Sarah didn't spend much time at her house since she had to go back to manage the company.

Another hour with Reil just scrolling through the social medias on her phone.

The knock on her door startled her a little.

“Come in.” She'd expected a worker to walk in or maybe some friends or even if Ivy had walked in, she wouldn't have been surprised.

The last person in her mind to have walked in, was the person closing the door as soon as he was in, strutting towards her.

She furrowed her brows. “Bale, what're you doing here?”

His gaze was fixed at her as the side of his lips curled to a smirk.

“Heard you sprained an ankle. Just decided to check on you.” She obviously didn't believe him.

Bale had never come to her house. Not ever. Even when she was sick and probably thought she'd die, he never showed up.

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