Chapter Twenty-Six

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Vibrations filled his ear, entering into his sleep that was nothing close to being deep.

He groaned, hoping if he ignored it, whoever was calling would hang up and he'd hopefully be able to get back to sleep.

He knew if he opened his eyes, all the sleep would be gone. It had taken much effort to go to sleep and finally he was asleep, he didn't want that disturbed.

Finally the ringing stopped and he hoped he could go back to sleep.

When he finally found himself dozing off, the ringing started again.

Letting out a few cuss words, he opened his eyes, then reached for his phone that lay on the desk beside his king-sized bed.

More cuss words left him when he saw who was calling.

Why was Reil calling him so late? 

He checked the time. Three a.m. Why was she calling at three in the morning?

Didn't she think a normal person was supposed to be asleep?

He thought about hanging up and switching off his phone, but then another thought came to his mind.

Why would she call him so early? Was she in trouble? Had something bad happened to her?

He sighed before answering the call and placing the phone close to his ear.

“Hmm.” His tone was gruffy, which was expected when someone woke one up by three in the morning.

“Hello.” She sounded sleepy, or like she'd just woken up.

“What do you want? Did you not check the clock before picking up your phone?” He asked in a stern tone.

“Oh, did I wake you up?”

That was the dumbest question he'd ever heard anyone ask. DUMBEST.

“No, I was wide awake by three in the morning.” He let the sarcasm evident in his tone so she'd use her senses to understand.

“Sorry,” her apology somehow calmed his spirit.

“Why did you call?”

“I had a dream.” 

What?! She'd called because she had a fucking dream?

Exasperation flowed through him. How had he met himself in such a situation?

“So?” His tone spoke of his emotions.

“In the dream,” she continued in a calm, sleepy tone, “we had sex.”

WHAT?! Now he knew she was crazy. How he wished he could turn back time from the day he stupidly decided to go on a walk and met her.

“Listen,” she continued, oblivious of the frustration in him, “I think I'd be having more of these types of dreams, and the only way to stop it is if my desire is satisfied in reality. Let's have sex.”

He hung up, dropping his phone on the bed as a sigh left him.

Why?! Why was the world treating him this way?

This was total stupidity. He needed to clear his head and what better way to do so than at his mom's place.

He sent a message to Bill (ignoring the fact it was three a.m and he was doing a similar thing Reil had done), letting him know he wouldn't be at work for the day and that he should take over.


“Wow, long time no see.” Cherry said, throwing him into a tight, motherly hug.

He hugged back, bending so he could rest his head on her shoulder.

She drew back from the hug. “And what— if I may ask— brings you to my home?”

He rolled his eyes, ambling in as he took a seat on a sofa. “Can't I come visit my mom?”

“I haven't seen you in a while so it's surprising.” She sauntered to where he was, standing beside the armrest of the sofa.

“Well, I'm here now.” He noticed she was holding a handbag. “Heading somewhere?”

She smiled. “I was on my way to Bible study, you mind waiting for me till I come back?”

“Nah,” he sighed as thoughts of the night with Reil came flooding his mind as it had done since she woke him up.

Cherry seemed to notice as she gave him an intense stare. “Something bothering you?”

He feigned a smile. “Not really.” The last thing he wanted was telling his mom about Reil.

She obviously wasn't buying his smile as her hand found her hips. “Drix…” she stretched his name.

“It's really nothing mom.” He rested his head on the headrest of the couch.

“Is it a female?” Though his mom's tone sounded like she was certain that wasn't the case but just felt like asking, he couldn't help but wonder how his mom was good at knowing things about him.

His silence must've gotten to her as her eyes widened and she asked in astonishment. “It's about a female?!”

Immediately, she dropped her bag on the couch, sitting next to him.

“What's her name? How did you two meet? When did you two meet? How old is she?”

He furrowed his brows. “Mom, she's nothing but a friend.”

That was one mistake he made. He should've just said she was a business partner or at least someone he was acquainted with.

Because the squeal that left her was enough to deafen a person and he knew he'd brought danger upon himself.

“Don't you have Bible study to attend?” He hoped that'd be a way of escape, but from the look of it, he wasn't sure.

She turned to her bag then him, before waving a hand. “I'd call to let them know I wouldn't come today.”

He rolled his eyes. He shouldn't have brought up the conversation. Now he was certainly trapped.

“Now, tell me everything.”

“There's nothing to tell because she's just a friend, mom.” He closed his eyes. He'd come to relax not to be questioned.

“So why is she making you so stressed?” She asked in a knowing tone, though he wasn't sure what she knew.

“Just something.”

“You like her.” Her tone was so certain, he had to jerk his eyes open and stare at her with a raised brow.

‘Like’ was too much to describe his relationship towards her. Intrigued was the word.

“You know nothing mom.” 

“I know you like her.” She continued, “she's the first person to make you feel this way. I'm your mother and I know you more than you know yourself Drix.”

What was she saying? There was no way he liked her? He barely even knew her.

And he was not going to be like his father to like someone and be weakened by such useless emotions. Nope. His mom did not know him more than he knew himself.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, please don't forget to vote, comment on your thoughts about the chapter and please share.

Please ignore all grammatical errors. Thanks again 🥰🥰🥰

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