Chapter 2 ~ Carolin Mendez

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Chapter 2 ~ Carolin Mendez

-Michael's POV-

Life honesty couldn't be any better, everything just works out for me, I never really have a bad day. This year has been good to me so far, after all it's my last year in high school before I graduate and I plan on making the most of it.

Today started off as a rocky start, my girlfriend, Kelsey, and I broke up once again but it still didn't stop me from making the most of today. So i'm kinda label as a player and I understand why but I can assure you that I don't do it on purpose, it comes naturally to me.

I spotted Linda near her lockers, knowing that she has some major crush on me I took the opportunity to start up my day. I walked over to her side, she looked up at me with a surprise expression.

"Michael." She greeted me with a flirty smile, she probably knows about Kelsey and I's breakup.

I didn't say much instead I slammed her against the lockers and began to make out with her. She was surprisingly a good kisser, I definitely enjoyed it. I pulled away before she begins to get any wrong idea, this was only a one time thing.

"See you around." I spoked sending her a wink.

She blushed at that, she was practically wrapped around my finger now, I smiled at the thought, not to sound like a total douche or anything but it always nice to see that I still have options if the whole thing between Kelsey and I doesn't work out.

My shoulder bumped into someone and it was followed by the sound of things falling, whoops. "Sorry I didn't see you there." I apologized, not really meaning it, I was in a rush and I don't know the person so I didn't bother to help them.

I continued to walk not looking back once. Kyle was the first to greet me with that carefree smile of his. "Can you believe it! In three days, our senior trip will finally begin, no more teachers, no more homework and no more classes for the next two weeks."

"For the next two weeks, it's us and the girls." I chuckled, finally the trip is finally near, I thought it would never get here quick enough.

"Interesting setting for both you and Kelsey anything can happen." He snickered. "C'mon we have to be early for biology if we actually want to go."


Boring was a nicer way of describing biology, the longer he talks the more I feel like my ears just might give out. I looked to my left to see Kyle asleep, his chin resting on his hand, I leaned forward pushing his elbow out of place causing him to hit his head on the desk. Kyle's head snapped up glaring daggers at me as I tried to contain my laughter.

"As you all know we have a senior trip coming up." Mr. Blackwell announced immediately waking up everyone, the whole class erupted with cheers minus the quite ones aka the people in the front. "Settle down students, each of you will be pair up with a partner." A partner, hmm interesting.., I looked to my right locking eyes with Kelsey, I winked at her as she smiled back biting her lip, we may be broken up but there's chemistry between us that we can't deny. "And since I can't trust any of you, I will be picking your partners." Everyone groaned in disappointment, well there goes my chance, Mr. Blackwell doesn't specifically like me so there's no way he'll pair me up with Kelsey.

"Yeah, yeah worse teacher ever save your complaints till the end of class. Alright so first pair, Kelsey Vincent and Brianna Fray." He started reading the names off the list. Yep, called it, maybe there's still a chance that I can get paired up with a really hot girl. "Victor Freeman and Dean Ortega, Ashely Brooks and Kyle Evans, Reagan Maxwell and Brad Valdez."

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