Chapter 36 ~ Break My Heart

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Chapter 36 ~ Break My Heart

-Carolin's POV-

"I still can't believe you have to spend three whole nights with Michael." Reagan says with an edge in her voice.

It's been hours since I have told Reagan about my biology project with Michael. And like Brad, she isn't too happy about it. It's not like I choose this topic on purpose. Watching paint dry seems more appealing then spending three nights with Michael. Then again, we might not even spend all that much time together. We'll be too focus staying awake so it might not be so bad. Right?

"It's not like we'll be doing much talking, we'll be too tired to talk." I point out taking a seat at our lunch table.

"Good point. At least your project is actually somewhat interesting. Brad and I got stuck with some lame plant experiment." Reagan pouts stabbing her fork into her salad.

"Lucas did say to choose wisely." I tease, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Maybe we would've gotten a better topic if I had chosen. I swear, Brad has the worse luck ever." She complains, her dark brown eyes shifting to look behind me. "Oh and right on cue, here he comes."

Brad sits down besides me, opening his can of soda. "Is her majesty still complaining about our biology topic?" He asks me, his lips tugging upwards when seeing Reagan's annoyed expression.

"Oh shut up will you? Besides it's your fault that we got stuck with the most boring topic in the whole class." She states, tossing a crouton at him. To her disappointment, Brad dodges it. "But it's whatever now. I moved on from it." She claims, waving her hand in a dismissive manner. "Besides we still have to continue our conversation from this morning."

"About?" Brad and I ask simultaneously.

"Carolin's birthday." She answers to which I roll my eyes to. I love Reagan to death, but this is something I simply cannot agree to. "So I was thinking.."

Her voice began to fade away as my attention begins to advert elsewhere. Across the cafeteria, I spot Matt entering the room. He appears to be lost almost, like he was looking for someone. Without thinking, I stood up and called his name, waving to get his attention. Matt turns his head in my direction in surprise. He smiles at me and begins to approach our table.

Reagan spun around in confusion and spotted Matt. "Oh no, what were you thinking Carolin?" She hiss.

"What? He looked lost." I defend.

"So? Let him be lost. Last time I checked, he doesn't deserve your kindness." She nearly shouts. "What the hell happened last night between you two for you to be nice to him all of a sudden?"

As soon as she asked that question, I had images of last night flash in my mind. The note, the roses, the camp, the lake, the bonfire and our almost kiss. I felt my face burning at the thought and judging by Reagan and Brad's shocked expression, the heat on my face was visible.

"Did you two-?" She began only for me to quickly cut her off with a rough shake of my head.

"No! We didn't do anything, can we not talk about this?" I ask looking down at my lap.

"Look, as much as we respect your privacy. You're gonna have to tell us at some point." Brad says trying to ease the tension.

"And I will... I just can't right now." I mutter refusing to look up from my lap.

"Ugh fine, but this isn't over missy." Reagan sighs in defeat. "Now how do we get rid of-Oh great you're here."

"Nice to see you too, Reagan." A deep voice replies.

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