Chapter 23 ~ Love Will Be There

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Chapter 23 ~ Love Will Be There

-Carolin's POV-

Emptiness. That's all I feel right now. Ten years may have passed since the divorce but nothing's water under the bridge. I sat at the edge of my bed contemplating the events that occur. First things first, I need to apologize to mom. But I feel she's too disappointed in me to even talk or look at me. Fear soon strikes me when I realize I may have ruined my mom's good relationship with Cole. She may hate me for that and I can't deal with that thought.

I shook my head, even if that may be the truth I have to accept it. I created this huge mess after all, I have to deal with the consequences for my actions. I stood up and walked out in search for my mom.

First I went to search in the living room, no signs of her ever being in there. Kitchen. Nothing but a bunch of dirty dishes. I took a stop there and washed up the mess making sure to put away any leftovers into the fridge. Then I reached her bedroom door.

Nervously, I brought up my hand and knocked quietly on the door. There was shuffling inside the room before the door swung opened to reveal my mother, red eyes and tear stain cheeks, standing in front of me. My heart tighten at the sight of her.

I have never seen my mother cry in the longest. The last time I saw her in tears was when she cried after another argument with my father the day before they decided to file a divorce. I felt tears stinging in the back of my eyes as I kept my gaze on her.

"Carolin, if you don't mind I can't talk right now I have to clean up-"

"I've already cleaned up for you." I interrupted playing with my hands as I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet. "I just wanted to apologize about what happened back there, I was being unreasonable and inconsiderate. I'm sorry mom."

There was a moment of silence, I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Right now, it could go either way and i'm hoping this silence is leaning more on a good thing.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you, I should've told you what happened that night and maybe you wouldn't have reacted the way you did." She sighs wrapping her arms around me, her voice cracking as she continues. "I just want you to know that I never really meant it, I would never want to separate you two. It just that night, your father and I have been arguing with no solution whatsoever that, that just slip out of my mouth. I wanted to take them back but it was too late, i'm so sorry."

I took in a deep breath slowly bringing up my arms and wrapping it around her small frame. The familiarity of her hug warmed me up in the inside, it feels like ages since she had hugged me like this. I let the tears stream down my face as I cling onto my mom like a small child.

In all honesty, I never would've thought that i'd forgive her for this, no matter what she had said. But after hearing her side of the story, I was wrong. I did forgive her, she was right and I know that. They were fighting about who gets to take James and I for weeks and there seemed to be no solution on that situation.

I felt drops of water on my bare shoulder that I figured was my mother's tears. My arms tighten around her, an attempt to comfort her. But it was more of an attempt to confront myself.


An endless sky, that's all I think about when I stared at my ceiling. A light blue color, I smiled at the memory of why I had chosen that color to be on my walls. When I was kid, my mom and dad always said that as long as I look at the blue sky i'll be closer to my dreams than i'll ever know. That and the fact it'll trick the wasps wandering around in the summer heat.

A soft knock was at my door, the door opened not even a second later and in came my brother, James. A tray of desserts in hand. I weakly smile scooting over in my bed to allowing him to sit. He handed me a silver bowl of hot fudge sundae, his specialty, and a small spoon.

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