Chapter 39 ~ Tell Me You Love Me

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Chapter 39 ~ Tell Me You Love Me

-Carolin's POV-

"And we are home." Brad announces, parking the car in my driveway. He shifts in his seat to face me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I croak. His eyes search mine wearily, he knows damn well that I'm not okay. I clear my throat. "I'm worry about Reagan. Should we have left her behind?"

Brad chuckles, ruffling my hair. "She's fine. She volunteered to stay with Kelsey, remember?"

"I know but I can't help but think it wasn't the best move. Kelsey isn't in the right state of mind right now. She might take her anger out on Reagan." I say worriedly, recalling when Kelsey was breaking everything in Kyle's house before he manage the restrain her. "Maybe I should have stayed to help.."

Brad shook his head, "If you had stayed she would have, without doubt, taken her anger out on you, Carolin." He states, reaching over to grasp my hand.

He's not wrong. She was extremely distraught when I tried to help her. She had shoved me away and called me a bitch and a slut all while tears ran down her face. I have never seen her this devastated in my whole life.

I sigh, my hand tightening around his. "You're right. I'm probably the last person she wants to see right now." I bit my lip nervously. "I just can't believe that they broke up.... at least in this manner. It has never been this bad. Do you think they'll get back together?"

Brad moves closer, resting his hand on my thigh. "I don't think so. This time it seems different..."

I swallow the lump in my throat. It does seem different, I can't help but think that he broke up with her for me. As conceited as that sound, it was the first thing I thought about when she mentioned it. It further explains why she called me those names.But I'm not sure if Michael said it's the reason. Or if she assumed because it happened after she caught Michael and I having a conversation prior.

If Michael really did break up with her for me than it doesn't explain why he left me behind. If I was really the reason, wouldn't he tell me? Or at least asked me to talk to him? Where did he even go? He was extremely drunk, he could be lost right now. Ugh why am I so worried about that jackass! Brad gently squeezes my thigh, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's on your mind?" He asks.

"Have you heard anything from Michael?" I asks worriedly, cussing myself mentally for asking. "I mean... it's been hours and he's drunk, do you think he got home safely?"

Brad retracts his hand from me. Running his fingers through his dark hair, letting out a sigh. "I don't know. I haven't heard from him, unfortunately. I'm sorry."

I purse my lips in disappointment, keeping my head low so Brad doesn't see it. Why did I even ask? He left rather quickly like he didn't even wanted to be followed. I doubt he would have texted anyone about his whereabouts.

"I know you don't wanna hear this but I feel like he broke up with her to be with you." He softly spoke.

I swiveled my head around to look him in the eyes, "W-what makes you think that?"

He laughs, "C'mon Carolin, it's pretty obvious. I'm just shock it took him this long to finally gather up the courage to do it." He reaches over to tuck my hair behind my ear. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Get some rest, you need it after everything."

I nod, bending forward to wrap my arms around him. "Good night, Brad." I softly spoke, burying my face in the croak of his neck.

"Goodnight Carolin." He whispers gently stroking my hair. He plants a soft kiss against my temple. "I'm sorry your birthday turned out to be such a mess."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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