Chapter 28 ~ The Past Will Come Back To Haunt You

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Author's Note:

Once again, sorry for updating late. I'm working on a little surprise but yeah, I apologize that this isn't my best work. Anyways off to the side is a new character you'll find out later in the chapter ;) ---> Remember to vote and comment. Enjoy the story.
Chapter 28 ~ The Past Will Come Back To Haunt You

-Michael's POV-

I sat there numbly watching Carolin walk out of the classroom and ignoring, yet again, what I had to say. Why do I always do this? Why can't I seem to do anything right, especially when it comes to Carolin. It seems like all I do is screw things up with her.

"Michael." Lucas spoke snapping me out of my self-hating thoughts. "Everything's okay?"

On instinct, I glare at him. Even after all this time, I still don't like this guy. The close relationship that he developed with Carolin is something I will always despise. Especially since he kissed her. And worst of all, she let him kiss her and she kissed back. Even after all that went down between us, he still has a hold on her more than I could.

"Everything's fine." I mutter and he dismisses himself.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Kelsey approaching me. Her red hair noticeable from a mile away. She took the empty seat next me wrapping her skinny arms around me. Normally in the past, this would've calm me. I would have loved the feel of her arms around me but lately i'm not feeling it.

I haven't felt the same way about Kelsey since we return from the senior trip. The attraction we use to have towards one another is gone, and no matter how much i'm forcing myself to feel that old spark it's completely gone and there's no way it'll come back. Kelsey, who was once the girl of my dreams, who was suppose to be the girl I ended up with is no longer the girl I could possibly see myself with.

All I keep thinking about is Carolin. Ever since that day I kissed her in the rain. Okay, maybe that's a lie, who am I kidding? My thoughts have been consumed by her since the day we found Lucas's cabin. How she just got along with him in the first minute, I couldn't stop thinking about that. Eventually, it was just her period, my mind wouldn't shut up about her. From her sarcastic remarks, her interesting taste in music, her past, everything.

The only reason, i'm with Kelsey is because I knew deep down that Carolin would never forgive me. And I just needed someone to keep my mind off of her but it's backfiring badly for me. Now i'm stuck in a relationship that I don't want to be in anymore, the only reason why I haven't broken it off yet is because of Brad.

Ever since, Brad and Carolin became official, I couldn't stand the thought of those two being together acting like a couple. So Kelsey, once again, became a distraction for me from Carolin. But it's not working. All I could think about is her, her hazel eyes, her laughter, the taste of her lips-

"Michael? Babe, you okay?" Kelsey ask staring at me worriedly. "You zoned out."

And once again, I couldn't stop thinking about Carolin. What is she doing to me?

I shook my head standing up suddenly, "Lucas, i'll be right back, I have to check on something." I mutter walking out of the classroom.

I quickly jog down the hall catching a glimpse of long brown hair, along with the sound of soft footsteps echoing throughout the halls. The more closer I got the louder and quicker the footsteps got.

I sigh, she knows it's me. I sped up and took a sharp turn suddenly not hearing the footsteps anymore.

Instead standing in front of me is the unmistakable petite body of Carolin's in the arms of another guy. The jealousy begins to flare up inside of me.

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