Chapter 7 ~ Catching Feelings?

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Chapter 7 ~ Catching Feelings?

-Carolin's POV-

It's been almost a week since we got stranded and since we've been living with Lucas, only one more week till our families find out that we are missing, honestly I don't really mind anymore. If I was stuck with only Michael I probably would've lost my mind the first two days.

Speaking of Michael his behavior this whole week has been strange all he ever does is stare daggers at Lucas whenever we're together, Lucas still has his theory about him and I still think that he's delusional about that. Michael probably can't stand the thought of not having a girl's attention for so long, he is conceded so I wouldn't be surprise if that's the case.

I wonder how Reagan is doing, I miss my best friend, I miss the sound of her voice, her crazy ideas that usually ends with us getting in trouble over all I just miss her.

I sat on the window seat staring out at the forest watching the sun start to rise. The area reminds me of the time my brother James and I went hiking when we were younger and wander off the trail, our parents were freaking out and spent the whole trip frantically looking for us. I smiled weakly at the memory, realizing now how much I miss my brother as well.

"Hey, I brought you coffee." Lucas spoked up sitting in front of me handing the warm mug, the smell of rich roasted coffee beans filled the air, I smiled gratefully taking a sip. "You okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine just a little homesick."

"Yeah that tends to happen when you're away from home for so long." He responded understanding my situation. "Are you gonna talk to Michael? I haven't seen you two talk at all for a while."

I shrugged, he's right I haven't talked to Michael this past week, we would only exchange a few glances here and there and a couple of words but not a full on conversation. I'm still a bit mad over the fact that he ruined our senior trip by getting us stranded.

"I'll talk to him eventually but for now, no." I responded.

Lucas just stared at me for a moment before standing up. "Well breakfast is ready, come and join me if you want to." He leaned forward kissing my cheek before making his way back to the kitchen.

I stared after him letting out a sigh, Lucas and I's relationship is just friendly, we're close friends but Michael likes to think otherwise. Speaking of Michael, he stood at the bottom of the stairs staring at Lucas and I with shock. He seemed to snap back to reality when he took notice my gaze, he made his way towards me and sat in front of me on the window seat.

If looks could kill, Michael would be dead by now. "I think we should leave." Michael announced.

"Why?" I asked quickly.

"I've noticed that you've been feeling homesick lately." He mentioned his eyes remaining on me.

I stared back in surprise that he actually noticed but then a thought crept into my mind. "Were you eavesdropping on Lucas and I?" I demanded.

He shook his head, he seemed to tell the truth but something in the pit of my stomach is telling me not to trust him very easily. His hand reached over seizing my bad arm, his fingers circled around my faint bruise, I winced slightly but luckily he didn't noticed, I didn't want him to think i'm weak or fragile.

"I didn't eavesdrop, it's clear on your face." He mentioned still keeping his hold on my wrist. "We should leave and go home."

"Oh, I would love to leave and go home but some idiot got us stuck here in the first place." I nearly shouted, Michael winced a bit from my tone. "So how do you suppose we go back home huh?"

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