Chapter 1 ~ Michael Reed

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Chapter 1 ~ Michael Reed

-Carolin's POV-

Rowland High School, it's like any other typical high school, I wouldn't know how to describe it actually. But like in every high school there is always that one guy who everyone adores and that guy is the one and only, Michael Reed. He's the school's heartbreaker and not to mention a player. Girl's swoon over his looks and will do anything to win over his attention but me, I think he's a dick, an asshole, a jackass, and any other word to describe how much of a jerk he is.

Trust me it only gets better, if there's a player there is always a slut, Kelsey Vincent, she's adored by everyone but also envied and hated on. Guys want to be with her, and girls just want to look like her. Kelsey and Michael are the power couple in the school even though they've been having an on again and off again relationship.

Now that's the top of the school's radar now you have the lowest of them all, the outsider, the outcast or better known as me, Carolin Mendez. I'm pretty much invisible in this school, no one knows me, no one talks to me, no one even knows I exist except for my best friend Reagan Maxwell, she's the complete opposite of me, she's the crazy fun party girl and everyone loves her. It's odd to think that a party girl and a shy girl can ever be best friends but it's not impossible.

As I was rummaging through my locker for my required books for class, Michael is, unfortunately, next to me making out with some random girl against the lockers. I rolled my eyes, figures, this girl is only a one time thing, just like the rest of them. I heard her moan during the kiss, gross i'm going to barf. Where the hell is my biology book?

"See you around." Michael spoke when they finally came up for air.

That's his famous line, he'll say that then follow that up with a wink, it's suppose to be seductive but I found it so stupid, how can girls seriously melt over that? Their brains must be seriously dense. When he turned to leave he bumped into me making all my books fall out of my hands, are you serious?

"Sorry, didn't see you there." He apologized insincerely.

He didn't even bother to help me, he just kept walking like nothing happen, unbelievable. Don't expect much help from a jerk Carolin, I thought to myself. I bend down gathering up all my books.

"Need some help?" The familiar soft voice of my best friend asked.

She bended down picking up the last of my books handing them to me.

"Thanks Reagan." I smiled taking the books.

"No prob, what happened anyways?" She asked tilting her head to the side, her purple hair falling into her dark brown eyes. A little fact about Reagan is that she loves to dye her hair in all sorts of colors and she makes it work too.

What didn't happened, I wanted to say but instead went with the one name that describes every problem. "Michael." I huffed stuffing my books into my bag.

Reagan made a face once she put the pieces together, she pretty much knows my past with Michael and frankly, it wasn't a good past, I don't like to talk about it.

"Ah, don't let him get to you, he's always like that." Reagan said in attempt of cheering me up.

"Easy for you to say unlike me, he doesn't treat you badly or as if you're invisible and plus you're friends with him." I mumbled.

"Hey." She playfully slapped my arm. "Stop that, now c'mon we have to get to biology, speaking of which here's your book, thanks for letting me borrow it."

Reagan pulled out my biology book from her bag handing it to me. Where was she when I was looking for it?

"I never let you borrow it." I mentioned holding the book in my hands.

"We're best friends, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours." She shrugged.

"So that's how it is now?" I laughed.

"Pretty much, now hurry up." Reagan grabbed my arm running to our first period class.


"As you all know we have a senior trip coming up." Mr. Blackwell announced making the whole class erupted with cheers. "Settle down students, each of you will be pair up with a partner." By that my eyes immediately met with Reagan's. "And since I can't trust any of you, I will be picking your partners." Everyone groaned in disappointment.

"Yeah, yeah worse teacher ever save your complaints till the end of class. Alright so first pair, Kelsey Vincent and Brianna Fray." He started reading the names off the list. Please lord let me get paired up with Reagan. "Victor Freeman and Dean Ortega, Ashely Brooks and Kyle Evans, Reagan Maxwell and Brad Valdez." I blocked out the rest of the names he was calling out.

Well there goes my chance of being paired up with Reagan, but she's pretty lucky, I always thought Reagan and Brad will make a pretty cute couple, he's hot and his personality is pretty decent, maybe they'll end up liking one another on this trip.

"Carolin Mendez and..." He started snapping me out of my thoughts. "..Michael Reed."

What! No, this can't be happening. Out of everyone in this whole class I get paired up with Michael! Please tell me this is just a nightmare and not real life.

I pinched myself trying to wake up from this awful nightmare but nothing happened, i'm still in class and this is actually happening, I got paired up with the worst person in the world.

Someone sat down on the empty desk in front of me and me being my curious little self looked up only for my eyes fall upon Michael, he looked at me with a sort of unfamiliarity like he doesn't recognize me.

He smiled at me, it was that 'special' smile that he practically gives to every girl. "You must be Carolin, are you new here?" He asked.

"Nope, i've been here since Freshman year." I answered rolling my eyes at him.

Figures, he doesn't know who I am, even after we've been in the same class since elementary school, he still doesn't recognized me, not even after all those things he has done to me and he still doesn't remember me. Either he's a horrible memory and is oblivious to everything around him or he's simply so self-centered that everything else doesn't matter.

"Well Christina, i've never seen you before. You should try standing out more than remaining in the shadows." He responded rather rudely.

I can't believe he just said that to me, I felt insulted and embarrassed by him. My hands clenched into a fist under my desk, do not punch him Carolin, no matter how much this jerk deserves it he's not worth it.

The bell rang indicating us to move along to our next class. Happily, I grabbed my stuff walking out of the classroom not bothering to even reply back to him. There are no more words to describe him anymore, he's now and forever will be the biggest jerk i've ever met.

This trip better be worth it because if it's sucks then I just wasted two weeks of my time spending it with him.
Author's Note:

What do you guys think of the first chapter? The picture above, or on the side, is Carolin.

What do you think of the characters? Do you like them so far?

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