Chapter 27 ~ Love & Pain, It's All An Art

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Author's Note:

Sorry guys for not updating earlier, I had a lot going on and this was a fairly long chapter. I'll try to update next week. But anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter, remember to vote and comment cause that'll be awesome. And enjoy!

Chapter 27 ~ Love & Pain, It's All An Art

-Carolin's POV-

It's been days five days since I last talked to Michael and not to mention that it's been a week since that double date, it felt like it happened months ago. But since that double date, Kelsey has been trying to get Brad and I to join her in another one but since what had happened on Monday I rather keep my distance from those two.

As of right now, i've been trying to keep all thoughts of Michael out of my head. I spent most of my time with Reagan, James, Brad and Lucas. Although, lately it's been more with Brad and Lucas since Reagan and my brother seem to always be busy at the same time. I'm really suspicious of those two, even if they had told me multiple times that there's nothing going on between them, but all their sneaking around seems pretty sketchy to me.

But besides that, I still haven't made full progress of getting Michael out of my thoughts especially since these last days he's been trying his all to get me to talk to him. First it was the constant calls and texts, then it was the random notes he passes me in class and just yesterday I found a note in my locker. I never knew what any of the notes say, I would always rip them and throw the pieces away. I'm literally trying everything I can to get over him, i'm still fake dating Brad and Lucas is helping me.

Speaking of Lucas, I woke up early in the morning to see him, and by early I really mean early like more early than I would've liked. I walk down the empty halls knocking on the door of what use to be Mr. Blackwell's classroom but him teaching here seems like a distant memory.

Lucas opens door having that look of surprise but he doesn't question me just yet, instead he opens the door allowing me in. I walk in and awkwardly stand in front of the desk. Lucas leaned on the edge of it standing in front of me.

"You're here way too early, Carolin. School doesn't start till two hours from now." Lucas points out. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to see you." I reply.

Lucas search my face for any lies, "More problems with Michael?" He asks curiously. In defeat, I slowly nod my head. "That might change today, I have an idea."

"Which is?" I question crossing my arms over my chest.

Lucas winks at me holding out a hand for me to take, "That's a surprise, but for now since we have two hours to spare how about I take you out for breakfast? My treat."

I playfully roll my eyes taking his hand, "You're gonna instantly regret that, I may be small but I have a huge appetite."

Lucas chuckles interwinding our fingers. "A girl who can eat? Now that's my kind of woman."

He winks at me guiding me out the door and down the hall. For a moment everything just fades, all my problems along with it. There was no Michael, no Kelsey, no fake dating, no anything. It was just Lucas and I, it feels like i'm back at his cabin in the forest where every one of my problems disappeared because I was with him.

We entered his car and drove off down the road and we had a conversation about anything and everything all at once, just like we did at the cabin. From these conversation, I always end up learning more and more about him.

We come to a stop in front of a cute little diner, he gets out and quickly went around to my door and opens it before I had the chance to. I blink at him, in complete awe, only Brad ever did that and even then it surprised me. Now that Lucas did the same it was refreshing, I smile and take his hand once again. 

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