Chapter 33 ~ True Colors

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a long time I know, I'm still having writer's block here and there. And on top of that I'm still trying to figure out when to update but as I said before this book will have slow updates so please bare with me, I'm trying my best. And apologizes further ahead, this isn't the best chapter I've written but I still hope you like it. Anyways, remember to vote and comment cause that'll give be me motivation to continue writing this book. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 33 ~ True Colors

-Carolin's POV-

"You okay?" Lucas questions stealing a quick glance of me. "You look as if you've seen a ghost."

"I um, I'm fine." I lie, I'm not sure what I feel, but I know that i'm most definitely confuse above all.

Why would Kelsey stay the night with Kyle? They can't possibly be hooking up right? Not when Kelsey's with Michael, they can't be. Besides Kelsey makes a big deal when it comes to Michael, it's clear that she really is infatuated with him.

But then again I heard rumors about Kelsey Vincent hooking up with random guys and about her being a slut, but still. This the Michael Reed she is cheating on, you don't cheat on someone like him, for every girl he's the dream package.

Lucas took a peek at the side mirrors, his green eyes widen in surprise. "Isn't that Kelsey, Michael's girlfriend?"

I nod my head silently looking at the side mirrors. Hopefully I'm just over thinking the situation and that I'm completely wrong. But how could Kelsey and Kyle do something like this to Michael? Kyle is one of Michael's best friends I don't think he would betray his trust and friendship like that right?

I shook my head, I shouldn't be worried about anything relating to that jerk. If she's cheating on him then that's his problem not mine.

Lucas slows down coming to a stop by Reagan's house. He turns in his seat to face me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I say feeling taken back by his sudden question.

"Stop me if I'm being too forward, but you know how much you mean to me right?" He asks nervously searching my eyes for an answer. I shook my head no, I know we're friends and all but it never occurred to me if I had any kind of value to him. "Carolin, you have to know you mean everything to me. Before meeting you, I thought my life had no meaning anymore and that I would never move on from my ex fiancé. But you came in and suddenly I had hope, I wanted to get my life back on track and it's all because of you."

I shook my head once again, "I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"Carolin-" He begins but gets cuts off as soon as my phone begins to ring.

I glance down checking the caller ID. Micheal. My jaw clench as my finger hovers over the ignore button. I hesitate slightly to click it, do I actually want to keep him out my life for good this time? It doesn't seem right to ignore him but then again he hurt me, he always hurts me. And whatever we have going on is toxic for the both of us. I let out a small grunt, pressing the ignore button and shutting my phone off.

I stuff my phone into my pocket glancing up at Lucas who already has his eyes on me. "Who was it?" Lucas asks curiously.

"Just Michael again, nobody important. Erm what were you saying before he called?" I ask.

Lucas gives me a small smile and ruffles my hair, "Nothing, just that you mean everything to me." He sighs sitting back against his seat. "You know Michael is going to keep trying to get you to speak to him again."

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