Chapter 30 ~ Scars

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Chapter 30 ~ Scars

-Carolin's POV-

Michael's hand slid down to my waist pulling my body roughly to his as his other hand cups the back of my neck. With all the sweetness gone we kiss roughly, as if our life depended on it. How long has it been since we last kiss? Too long, i'm surprise it took a game for me to give in to him this easily.

After a short period, there was a faint ring in the background but we didn't care, we just continue. I let my hands touch his define jaw, moving to his soft brown locks. My lips ache and my lungs were on fire from lack of air but I don't stop. I can't stop.

"Woah, time's up you two!" Kyle shouts at us, I can already sense a smirk on his face. "Wouldn't want your girlfriend or boyfriend to get the wrong idea."

We both withdrew from one another panting, our breaths fast and short. Our eyes lock, and I can already feel all eyes on us as everything was eerily quiet. What the hell just happened? I made a mistake and took a peek of the onlookers and sure enough they were all staring at us, some even glaring at me. They hate me, i'm stepping on sacred territory that only the power couple can step on. I can see the judgmental looks on their faces, they hate me.

With one last look at Michael I stumbled back dashing pass the crowd. "Carolin!" A deep voice called for me, I wasn't sure if it Brad or Michael or maybe even Matt.

Whoever called I didn't care. The only thing I want is to get the hell out of here. I knew coming here was a bad idea and I shouldn't have let Reagan drag me here. I can't believe I just did that, sure it was a game but we literally made out pass the time limit. Everyone must think i'm a whore! Kissing Michael who has a girlfriend while everyone thinks i'm in a relationship with one of Michael's closet friends. God, that sentence even makes me sound like whore.

On my way out, I accidentally bump into a couple making out in the corner. I quickly mutter an apology as they glare at me and walked away.

"Carolin." A voice stops me taking hold of my wrist. I turn to see the last person I wanted to see. "What's wrong?"

"You're what's wrong." I spat. "That whole stupid game is what's wrong, did you not see the way everyone looked at me?"

"Who cares what they think about you, okay? They have nothing better than to butt in on our lives, on your life." Michael attempts to calm me down and so far it's oddly working. "They want to be you, it's not every day that we allow a new person in on our tight circle. They're jealous."

"No offense but anybody can be in that shallow circle, I mean Matt is new and he easily was welcome with open arms. Seems like your tight circle only allows people with the right look." I mutter.

"No, we allow people who grow on us. I don't even like Matt, and I know for a fact that Reagan and Brad don't even like him but for some reason Kyle and Kelsey wants to show him around." Michael replies. "Maybe he'll grow on all of us maybe he won't but you, you're different. You've grew on all of us, you're practically one of us now."

"Well besides Reagan and Brad, I don't want to be one of you. You guys are literally too much for me, that whole kissing game you guys play, like seriously? That's a thing, it's humiliating and it made me look bad."

"Then we'll play a different game just don't leave." Michael almost sounds like he's begging me but I can't be so sure, this is Michael Reed, he never begs.


"Like... truth or dare?" He questions and I shook my head. "Not into dares?" He asks and I respond with a nod. "Then nothing but truths, you and me."

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