Chapter 15 ~ Act Like You Love Me

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Author's Note:

New cover everybody! I hope you like it and Michael Reed off the side ---> sorry if there's any mistakes i'll edit later, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 15 ~ Act Like You Love Me

-Carolin's POV-

When Brad said that i'm stuck with him, he wasn't kidding, he surprised me by sitting next to me in biology, he usually sits next to Kyle and Michael so this was unusual. In the middle of Mr. Blackwell's lesson Brad moved his seat closer to mines leaning in close to me.

"Have you noticed that since we walk in here, Michael has been glaring at me non-stop. You know what's that all about?" He asked raising a brow.

I shrugged. "I have no idea, he's been acting strange since we got back from the forest."

Brad glanced back to where Michael sat and sure enough, his eyes were glaring daggers at the back of his head, his brown eyes shifted from Brad to me, his face soften all of a sudden. Both, Brad and I turned back around towards the board but he seems to have a knowing look.

"I think I may have a clue." He smirked, I gave him a look to let him know to continue his point. "Just need to know if it's true."

Brad's brought his hands up gliding his fingers gently through my hair brushing it behind my ear. I watched him as he did so completely confused of his actions. We both flinched away from one another when hearing a loud noise coming from the back of the room.

Everyone turned to where the noise came from including Mr. Blackwell who was glaring at Michael for interrupting his lesson. "Reed, i'll see you after school today."

Michael shook his head not even caring that he had detention. His eyes only focused on two thing and that was Brad and I. I glanced over at Brad who seemed to be just as surprise as I was. My eyes went to where Kelsey sat. She even looked surprise by his reaction but it's clear that she didn't know what he was angry about and I, too, have no clue to what has cause him to react like that.

"Looks like I got my answer." Brad mumbled to himself.


Hey sorry about not being there with you today, you can get through this though, I believe in you.

-Reagan xx

I've read her text message once I reached my locker, quickly I typed a response putting in the combination to my locker stuffing all my books away. I shut my locker soon jumping back a bit, heart pounding rapidly from the scare I received when seeing Michael leaning against the set of lockers beside mines. When did he show up? I didn't notice him coming.

I looked at the floor pretending not to have seen him and walked away but he moved to block me, he held my shoulders looking around before seizing my arm and pulling inside an empty utility closet. He locked the door before facing me.

"I'm sorry." He spoked, I rolled my eyes attempting to push past him to leave but he kept blocking my way. "No, hear me out. I'm sorry, i'm sorry about that day. I tried to tell you about it but I knew you were going to hate me and I didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want you to look at me with so much hatred in your eyes the way you look at me now. I'm so sorry, Carolin."

I gaped at him feeling torn, my heart wants to forgive him to forget everything that happened but my mind won't let this go, he played with my emotions and he's continuing to do so. Finally I replied, "I don't hate you." I began and I saw the relief in his face when hearing this. "No matter how much I try I can't hate you anymore. I'm just disappointed with you."

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