Chapter 5 ~ What's Your Problem?

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Chapter 5 ~ What's Your Problem?

-Carolin's POV-

Sunlight hit my eyes causing me to be wide awake, I rubbed my eyes removing the sleepiness from them glancing at my side to see Michael still asleep. I sat up feeling my shoulders all soared from my uncomfortable sleeping position, guess falling asleep in a car isn't very comfortable.

I reached towards the backseat grabbing my bag in search for something important, I pulled out a water bottle, toothpaste and a toothbrush. I'm not going to go a day without brushing my teeth just because some idiot sleeping in the driver's seat got us lost and stuck in the middle of nowhere. I squeezed some toothpaste on my toothbrush pouring a little bit of water on it beginning to brush my teeth thoroughly. Once I was done, I took a bit of water to rinse my mouth.

I really wish we were at the lodge with the rest of our senior class, where there are comfortable beds and an actual bathroom and a kitchen. I walked back around towards the car still finding Michael sleeping peaceful, I honked the horn making him jump upright looking around in panic before his eyes stopped on me sending me a death glare.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I smirked placing my hands on my hips.

He groaned rubbing his eyes in a sleepy manner. "I hate you so much." He mumbled. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up." I stated. "You said that we'll go check out the cabin, now c'mon the faster we get there the faster we can leave."

Michael sighed grabbing his stuff reaching into his bag to grab a water bottle, toothbrush and toothpaste, weird how we had the same idea. He got out of the car and proceeded to brush his teeth. I stood by the side of the car suddenly feeling hungry, I felt a bit lightheaded and my stomach started to growl. Great, I remember yesterday I didn't eat lunch or dinner and now I didn't really bring anything to eat, I thought we were going to be at the lodge where they would provided us food, thanks a lot Michael.

Michael returned to my side with a questionable look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry." I sheepishly answered. "We didn't exactly eat anything last night."

"Right, here I have something we can eat." He went around the back opening the trunk.

I looked over his shoulder seeing the trunk filled with snacks and by snacks it's mostly just chips, pretzels, sodas, candy etc. "Why do you have junk food?" I asked.

"We were going to live off with school lunches for the next two weeks, you honestly think I would eat that?" He questioned staring at me as if i'm the crazy one.

I looked around his stash not seeing anything appetizing. "I'm not eating junk food for breakfast." I stubbornly responded.

"Then starve, I don't care." He shrugged grabbing a bag of potato chips. "Here have some pretzels."

He tossed me a bag of pretzels, I looked down at it not wanting to eat it, I never eat junk food in the morning because it makes me feel sick, I'm know for having a weak stomach. I tossed the bag back into the trunk.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I mumbled finding my sneakers suddenly interesting. "Just hurry up so we can leave, I want to call for help."

Michael rolled his eyes at me, "Let's just go now, I can eat and walk at the same time."

I shrugged swinging my bag over my shoulder, Michael followed taking his bag with him along with his car keys, even when were the only two in the middle of nowhere he's still cautious about his precious car.

We started to walk down the dirt trail, I actually led the way considering since I was the one who spotted it and know where it is and Michael can't argue on that one.

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