Chapter 9 ~ Could This Be Love?

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Chapter 9 ~ Could This Be Love?

-Carolin's POV-

Tossing and turning, and thoughts after thoughts, I couldn't get any sleep. My mind was somewhere else and by somewhere else I mean constantly thinking about Michael. I thought back on how he was before, the jerk that I had hated with my entire heart and mind, and now he's different, he showed me a side of him that maybe everyone sees and that side of him is making my feelings even more confusing than they were originally.

I snuck a glance at Michael's sleeping body, he looked so innocent and almost kid like when he's sleeping, I guess everyone looks like that when they're asleep. My eyes moved to my phone checking the time, it was officially midnight, which means it marks the fourteenth day, two weeks has officially passed, by tomorrow they'll notice our disappearance and go out to look for us.

I sighed looking out the window watching raindrops roll down the glass, slowly falling one by one, I really need to sleep but my thoughts keep taking over my mind, I leaned forward searching the glove compartment looking for a book or anything to occupy myself from my thoughts and odd enough I found my earbuds in there, I don't remember putting them in there.

I shrugged off the thought and plugged them into my phone putting my playlist on shuffle. I closed my eyes leaning back on my seat listening to music preparing to drift off to sleep.

You were the one, you got underneath my skin and then you broke into my heart, you broke into my heart. I tried to run but I don't understand the things you do...

By that my mind was once again back on Michael, I sat up pulling out my earbuds suddenly not in the mood to hear music anymore. I ran my hand down my face getting frustrated by the minute, why can't my mind shut up with these thoughts of him, I don't want to think about him especially in that way. I smacked my hand on the dashboard out of anger.

Michael jolted out of his slumber looking around in panic. "What happened? Are we being attack?" He asked looking through the window but when he didn't see anything he turned his attention on me. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't realize that we were playing 21 questions." I mumbled slumping down on my seat.

"Carolin." He spoked loudly as if to get me to focus on his question. "What's wrong darling?"

"Why do you call me that?" I demanded growing annoyed by that word, when he calls me that it makes my feelings all jumbled up to the point where I can't understand why, how can he sit there and call me that all the time if i'm not his girlfriend or anything special to him.

"Call you what?" He asked clearly confused.

"Why do you call me darling?" I repeated being more specific. "And most of all why darling?"

"You don't want me to call you that? Would you prefer a different nickname?" He questioned, he rubbed his chin thinking for a moment. "Should I call you gumdrop? Or maybe sugarplum? Stop me if you hear one you like, I have a lot more names to go through."

"I don't want you to call me anything." I interrupted. "I want you to use my name only, not any of your lame nicknames."

Michael's brown eyes bored into mine as if he's inspecting me. "Quite frankly I prefer to call you darling." He responded clearly ignoring what I had said. "It makes you sound innocent and besides everyone else calls you Carolin so I want to call you something else."

"Don't call me that."

The corner of his lips formed a small smile. "It seems like you're trying to find an excuse to be mad at me." He stated. "Everything I do or say, you always pick a fight with me. Why is that darling?"

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