Chapter 13 ~ All Too Much

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Author's Note:

Kelsey Vincent on the side ---> or above. And I would love it if you guys suggest any celebrity for the role of Carolin's brother, James Mendez, in the comments, thank you.

Chapter 13 ~ All Too Much

-Carolin's POV-

Thank god, school was over. It means I can go home and throw myself on my comfortable bed and eat my sadness away.

For some reason, fate sure wanted to mess with me today, I saw Michael and Kelsey everywhere, either in class together, him dropping her off to class, in lunch, kissing by her locker or holding each other's hands in the hallway. Yet, he tried all day to talk to me. Yeah right, as if i'll talk to him now.

I slammed my locker shut after I got all my stuff, I walked down the hall heading to the parking lot where Reagan will meet me there and drive us home.

"Carolin." A feminine voice called out stopping me in my tracks.

I looked over my shoulder to see a familiar red head, you've gotta be kidding me.

"Hey, Kelsey." I replied with a small wave and a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Hey, soo I couldn't help but notice you and my boyfriend Michael." She began with an obvious fake smile that she uses to hide her jealousy. "What was that about?"

"He just wants to talk, but how about you tell your boyfriend to leave me the hell alone." I shrugged. "He's becoming a bother."

"I will. One more thing, so there's this insane rumor going around that you and Michael hooked up during the senior trip, you know the one you two didn't go to."

By her tone, I could tell that she wanted me to choose my words carefully or else. Should I tell her what really happen just to give me the satisfaction of seeing her reaction but thinking about it seemed like a terrible idea so instead I replied, "Nothing happened between us."

She smiled twirling her hair around her fingers. "Of course nothing happened, I knew it was a silly rumor but I had to make sure, you know." She let out a small laugh. "I shouldn't have gotten paranoid I mean Michael loves me, he wouldn't do something like that, so friends?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I nodded my head. "Sure friends." I quickly replied not really meaning it as if she meant it. "Just tell him to leave me alone."

"Don't worry I will." She smiled, her eyes where looking around before her smile turned into a smirk. "I'll see you around, alright?"

She strutted away in her stilettos to where Michael was leaning against his car staring at us well now at me, his stare made me nervous and I couldn't help but held his gaze longer. It soon broke when Kelsey wrapped her skinny arms around him pulling him in for a rough kiss. I looked away speed walking to where Reagan parked her car.

I slid into the passenger seat tossing my bag into the backseat next to hers.

"What took you so long?" Reagan huffed with an impatient look on her face. "I was waiting for almost what felt like half an hour."

I sighed leaning my head back against the seat. "Kelsey happened."

"Wait what? Kelsey talked to you? As in Kelsey Vincent, Michael's on again off again girlfriend, Kelsey? That Kelsey?" She rambled bombarding me with countless questions.

"Yes, that Kelsey." I answered.

"What did she want?" She asked next in a much calmer tone.

"The one thing that had her worked up about Michael." I hinted.

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