Chapter 4 ~ I Hate You

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Author's Note:

Still trying to figure out when I'm gonna update but for now that'll be random dates, sorry it's a short chapter but next one i'll try to make it longer, so enjoy.

Chapter 4 ~ I Hate You

-Carolin's POV-


I ignored his voice continuing to stare out the window concentrating on anything but him.


I kept my eyes glued on the window trying my best to keep blocking him out, I felt something light hit my back.

"Cathy.." He whined throwing small pieces of balled up paper at me.

Ignore him, Carolin, he's being a child now.

Once again I felt more light taps on my back. "Cathy.." He continued throwing paper at me.

That's when my patience broke. "First of all, my name isn't Cathy or Christina, it's Carolin!" I shouted at him. "Second of all, what the hell do you want that you have to keep bothering me for it!"

He gave me an innocent grin as he looked down at his lap sheepishly. "I'm bored." He simply stated.

I let out a breath pinching the bridge of my nose. "And what do you want me to do about it?" I asked completely annoyed.

"Entertain me." He answered with a sly smirk.

I'm done, I opened the door getting out of the car, I really need a moment away from him, he's been annoying me for what seems like five hours.

I walked along the dirt road heading down towards the woods mumbling some words along the way. I kept walking till my legs feel like they might give out, I looked back from the way I came from, wow I didn't think I walked that far from the car.

Instead of heading back to the car I kept on walking forward, exploration and a moment of peace here I come.


-Michael's POV-

Fourty-five minutes have already passed since she left, why isn't she back yet? I looked out the window seeing the sun starting to set and still she's not back yet, I let out a sigh getting out of the car. She's seriously a lot of work, I can't believe I got paired up with her, she's so frustrating, just when the fun started she decides to walk out.

I followed the dirt trail knowing she probably was walking along it but I started to freak out a bit when seeing the trail end in the forest. Where could she have gone? I looked around seeing no one in sight.

"Cathy?" I called out quietly, wait her name isn't Cathy, what was it again? Carla? Christina? That's when it hit me. "Carolin?!"

I began running further into the forest yelling out her name, i'm so going to be dead if we ever get out of here. "Carolin!" I shouted one more time, my throat starting to burn from all that yelling.

There was a tap on my shoulder, I jumped back screaming a bit in fear. "Geez, relax it's just me." A familiar voice spoke.

I turned around to see Carolin standing in front of me well and okay. "Where the hell were you? Why didn't you show up earlier when I was calling your name?" I asked completely pissed right now.

"I was exploring." She simply answered. "And besides I was a bit surprise to hear that you actually remember my name."

She added with a shrugged. Okay, i'm not going to argue with her no matter how much she's starting to get under my skin. "Let's head back before it gets dark." I mumbled taking a hold of her arm.

She yanked her arm out of my grip staring daggers at me. "As if i'll do anything you say, darling." She spat out clearly quoting what I have said earlier.

She turned on her heels heading up north, I held her back pulling her back to me. "Where are you going?"

Carolin had this annoyed look on her face, she took in a deep breath before speaking, she was trying to control her temper. "I saw a cabin up ahead, we could try heading up there and call for help."

I looked towards the direction she's pointing at seeing nothing but a trail of trees, have she already lost it? I shook my head. "We'll head over there in the morning then for now we're going back to the car where it's safe."

Carolin shrugged going on ahead without me, rude. I speed up catching up with her, I watched as she looked around the forest with wonder in her eyes. When we passed by one of the lower trees she immediately jumped up to retrieve a couple of leaves letting them go in the wind.

"You're destroying nature by yanking those leaves off those trees." I pointed out not bothering to spare her a glance.

"Are you gonna criticize everything I do while we're here?" She asked annoyance evident in her tone.

I shrugged. "Maybe, so far i'm pretty entertain whenever I annoy you." I smirked.

"I hate you." She stated.

"Feeling's mutual, darling." I muttered reaching into my pockets for the car keys once we were near.

Carolin glanced at my hands for a moment before she did something that took me by surprise, she stole the keys from me and ran towards the car.

"Carolin!" I yelled running after her. I didn't reach her on time, she locked herself in the car staring at me with a smug look. I tried opening the door but nothing. "Carolin! Open this goddamn door right now!"

She lowered the window just a crack in order for me to hear her. "Let me think about it...nope."

"Open the door." I demanded. "I'm not going to repeat myself."

She looked at me thoughtfully before a mischief grin formed on her face. "Entertain me and maybe i'll let you in." She smirked.

This girl will definitely be the reason i'll end up dead before the week is over, I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration. "Carolin." I started trying my best to control my temper.

"Michael." She mocked.

"What will it take for you to open this door?" I asked. "I'll do anything."

At that the corners of her lips tugged into a smile instantly I wish I took back those words. "You'll do anything?" She questioned testing the words. "Regrettable choice of words but since you'll do anything then I want you to-"

"No." I interrupted not wanting her to finish that sentence.

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"Don't have to, you have that evil smile, i'm not doing it simple as that."

She shrugged. "Then I guess you can't come in."

"How about a deal?" I propose. She gave me a look letting me know to continue. "I promise not to annoy and not to criticize you for as long as we're here if you let me in."

Carolin took a good amount of time rethinking the deal before unlocking the door and sliding into the passenger seat. Finally, I sat in the driver's seat locking the door. I looked to the right glaring daggers at her, it's my goddamn car and she has the nerve to lock me out, who the hell does she think she is?

"I hate you." I stated adjusting my seat so it'll lean back, it's pretty obvious that the backseat is off limits.

She adjusted her seat as well making herself comfortable. "Feeling's mutual, darling."

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