Chapter 3 ~ All Your Fault

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Chapter 3 ~ All Your Fault

-Carolin's POV-

The day finally came, no school for two whole weeks. It's a good thing but there's only one problem and that's Michael, I have to spend two weeks with him. Great, just my luck, why does life hates me so?

That jackass kept glaring me down all week as well as repeat his stupid rules, not to mention that he keeps gripping the same wrist over and over again that now I have an ugly purplish greenish bruise there, I really need more iron in my body I bruise easily like a banana. With Michael as my partner I doubt i'll survive a day.

But whatever i'm not going to let one minor flaw ruin my day. I finished up packing everything I would need on this trip. I made sure to pack my phone, portable charger and earbuds, we'll be in a bus while we drive to our destination so i'm not going to be bored on the ride there.

As I continued to pack, I played some music. It started at first upbeat but then a slow song came on. This song speaks to me especially the chorus, I closed my eyes thinking back at that day.

I'm like a crow on a wire
You're the shining distraction that makes me fly
I'm like a boat on the water
You're the raise on the waves that calm my mind
Oh every time
And I know in my heart you're not a constant star

And yeah I've let you use me from the day that we first met
But I'm not done yet
Falling for you
Fool's gold
And I knew that you'd turn it on for everyone you met
But I don't regret falling for your
Fool's gold

I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless
I get lost in your beauty and I can't see two feet in front of me
And I know in my heart, you're just a moving part

And yeah I've let you use me from the day that we first met
But I'm not done yet
Falling for you
Fool's gold
And I knew that you'd turn it on for everyone you met
But I don't regret falling for you
Fool's gold

Yeah I know your love's not real
That's not the way it feels
That's not the way you feel

And yeah I've let you use me from the day that we first met
But I'm not done yet
Falling for you
Fool's gold
And I knew that you'd turn it on for everyone you met
But I don't regret falling for you
Fool's gold

By the time the song ended, I had tears threatening to fall out, I wiped my eyes with the palm of my hands.

His love was never real, he used me and left me broken hearted. Even through all that I don't regret anything, I don't regret falling for him, he was my first love and my first kiss. He made me feel beautiful and loved, something i've never felt before but to have all that crash down, I felt used and worthless afterwards.

It's time to get over it, Carolin. It's in the past, it happened and I can't do nothing about, he moved away three years ago, it's time to get over it.

I'm going to listen to my mind about that, it's right however no matter how much my mind wants to move on, my heart wants to keep holding on to the past.

My thoughts were interrupted when my brother came into my room. He stared at me probably wondering why I looked like I was crying but realization came to him. He walked over to me hugging me and kissing the side of my head.

"It's okay." He whispered rubbing my arm in comfort.

"Why are you here?" I asked him wiping my tears away.

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