Chapter 29 ~ Kiss Me Till It Hurts

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Author's Note:

Took time to write this chapter, it's really long compare to my last ones. Hope you like it, sorry if it suck, I tried to make the game a bit interesting but you'll see what I mean. Anyways, Kyle Evans is off the the side or on top depending on your device --> And enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 29 ~ Kiss Me Till It Hurts

-Carolin's POV-

I felt a stabbing pain pressing against my rib cage. I groan as I sleepily open my eyes to see Reagan once again sleep punching. Her elbow driving further into my side as she sleep soundlessly beside me. This is the only down side of having her sleep over, she can never sleep normally. I never have her sleep over where she didn't punch, kick or push me off my bed unconsciously.

Drowsily, I sit up rubbing the sleep out my eyes. I nudge Reagan away from me as I stand up to head to the bathroom. I stretch my sore limbs taking a step forward only to trip over. I fell on the floor with a bang onto something hard. I groan in pain as I hear a deeper grunt nearby.

I glance up to see Brad glaring at me, I scrambled to my knees getting off of him. He sits up rubbing his side where I fell. My eyes followed the movement of his hand finding myself blushing.

He's shirtless on my bedroom floor, why is he shirtless... follow up question why is he in my room and most importantly why is he shirtless!!

Not that I'm complaining, he has a nice slim muscular body but I can't be staring! He's my friend. I look away, my face still burning hot. Brad didn't seem to notice me staring at him earlier instead he's staring at my bed where Reagan is sleeping.

"How the hell did she not wake up after that?" He whispers to me.

I find myself staring at Reagan as well, she's still sound asleep as if I never made a sound to at least stir her. I shrug, "She can sleep through anything in all honesty. There can be a hurricane and she won't even notice because she's deep asleep."

Brad chuckles and continue to rub his side. "You really did a number on me, you kneed me in the stomach."

Without realizing I looked down at his strong abdomen. In a second I look away my face becoming flush once again. "S-sorry."

Brad pokes my cheek causing me to look at him. "You're blushing." He states with a grin on his face. Him pointing that out made me blush even more, he chuckles pulling me closer to him. "Why are you blushing?"

"Why are you shirtless?" I ask avoiding the topic.

Brad raise his brow in question. Something seem to click in his head because now he's full out grinning at me.

"Okay, I get it. You're blushing because i'm dress like this." He gestures to his bare body. "Didn't know that this kind of stuff makes you fluster, you didn't react this way when we were at the beach."

Brad did have a point, I have seen him shirtless before but at that time we were with Michael and Kelsey. All my attention was just on Michael and I hate to admit but I was admiring Michael's undeniable good looks.

He rub his chin thoughtfully, his dark brown eyes narrowing in my direction. "Right, Michael was there. Unfortunately, my good looks are nothing compare to his."

"I didn't say-" I protest only for him to raise a hand to stop me.

He chuckles, "Chill, I was just kidding." He grins running his hand through his disheveled brown hair. "Don't take everything seriously babe."

I nod looking down at my lap, "I just didn't want to offend you." I mutter.

"I get it." He replies leaning his face close to mine. "You can make it to me with a kiss."

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