Chapter 20 ~ Brother Dearest

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Author's Note:

Finally updated & i'd like to say sorry for taking so long to update. I've been trying to adjust some time to write but my schedule is all over the place, hope you guys understand. Apologies for this not being my best work and for any errors. I'll edit it later. And please check out my friend, bubbles_loves_yuh new book, thank you. Anyways James Mendez is on the side --> and enjoy the story.

Chapter 20 ~ Brother Dearest

-Carolin's POV-

Today was.....interesting.. It sure didn't went downhill as I thought it would be but it sure as hell had me on edge. Michael had me on edge and now I can't get the way he held me outta my head. Not to mention I still owe him something from his part of the bet but I have no idea what it is.

"You okay?" Brad asked me once he parked his car. "You've been really quiet throughout the entire ride."

"Yeah, i'm fine." I answer waving off his question.

I would've told him about what was going on but how can I tell him this? Michael basically just told me that he wasn't flirting with me but his actions sure were flirty. And Brad might just tell me that i'm overlooking things again and I know i'm not.

Ugh, my brain feels like it's going to explode with all these thoughts!

Brad stared at me for a moment before sighing. "How was that round with Michael?" He asked changing the subject. "Did you win?"

"No." I mumbled my hands clenched into a fist as I was reminded about it, i've been thinking about this thing that he wants me to do for him and all I can come up with is the worst case scenario.

Don't think too much about it, Carolin, before Brad starts asking more questions, I reminded myself.

"Where did you go?" I ask putting the attention on him.

He just smiled and reached over to the backseat to retrieve a stuff panda that I didn't notice. He placed it on my lap and gently kiss my cheek causing me to blush. "I won you this from the claw machine." He answered looking proud of it.

I looked down at the stuff animal holding it close with admiration, I never had a guy won me anything before so this was new. "How many tries did it take?" I ask realizing that he had been gone for quite a while.

"It only took me one try." He answered with a smile. "I was there longer because these girls came up to me and asked me to win them something, and I did. They were surprisingly really nice to me considering we don't know each other."

I giggled at that, Brad was really cute especially when he was oblivious to the fact that those girls were most likely flirting with him. He looked at me, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

I shook my head still laughing. "Nothing you're just too cute." I smiled ruffling his hair, his cheeks redden making him look even cuter.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"You're cute." I smile leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for putting up with me on this double date by the way, I had fun."

Tightening my hold on the stuff panda, I unbuckle my seatbelt and left the car walking down the pathway up to my house. I looked over my shoulder to see Brad's car still there, I waved goodbye and entered the house.

I opened the door only for it to hit someone, my eyes widen in surprise. "Ow!" Someone shouted angrily. I peek inside to see Reagan rubbing her head as she glared at me. Her eyes soften at the sight of me. "Oh, it's you, Carolin."

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