Chapter 19 ~ Friends...

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Author's Note:

Before reading, I would like to apologize for not updating earlier. I had things to do that prevented me from doing so, plus the editing took a while. Anyways please enjoy the story

Chapter 19 ~ Friends...

-Carolin's POV-

"So... you two are good now?" Brad asked for the tenth time since I explained to him the events that occurred between Michael and I.

"I don't know, we're suppose to be just friends but every now and then he'd be flirty towards me." I exasperated.

"Soo.. pretty much how he use to treat all his other girl friends." Brad pointed out.

"That's not the point." I sighed feeling suddenly exhausted.

Brad placed his hands on my shoulders looking at me square in the eyes. "Look, Carolin, maybe you're just overlooking things after all you were the one who decided to continue having him in your life."

"Yeah but-"

"No buts, just don't overlook his action. If you ignore it maybe he'll leave you alone." He advised.

I sighed nodding my head in agreement. Maybe Brad is right, I may be becoming paranoid and overlooking things but then again there's that nagging feeling that's telling me that i'm not overlooking it. Michael did say his feelings towards me are true so maybe that's why he's acting the way he is. I shook my head, I really need to stop with these thoughts they cannot be good for me.

I looked over my shoulders to see Kelsey and Michael still at the shallow end of the beach. Kelsey seems to be whining about something maybe that she wanted Michael to stay with her while she gets a tan; and then there's Michael who seemed to be trying his best to keep his patience otherwise he doesn't look like he cared. His gaze swept over to where I stood catching me staring at him, in panic, I hastily looked away. Even though I can't see him, I just know he's laughing at my actions.

"There's seem to be trouble in paradise, huh?" Brad spoked, his eyes on the pair. "To be honest, I never knew what attracted Michael to Kelsey, they don't have anything in common, the only thing they do have in common is their popularity other than that it's nothing."

I crossed my arms over my chest looking back at them. "Michael seems to be attracted to all girls he has nothing in common with, don't you think?"

Brad hesitated with his response as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I use to think that too but then the whole you and him situation happened."

By that, I turned to him confused by what he was talking about. What does he mean until Michael and I happened? We don't have anything in common, at least I think we don't.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned suddenly interested on the topic.

"Nothing." He quickly spoked turning away. "Forget I said anything."

I grabbed his arm before he can escape, pulling him back. "No, tell me." I pleaded. "Please."

"When I do tell you this, I just don't want you to get your hopes up." Brad sighed playing with the wet strands of my hair. "Michael is one of my friends and you know that, so it surprises me whenever I find out some similarities you share with him."

"Michael and I?" I questioned. "But we're nothing alike."

"My exact thoughts but you do share some of the same qualities as him." He muttered to himself. "I won't tell you what they are, that, you'll have to figure out on your own."

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