Chapter 21 ~ Hello, Cole Everette

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Chapter 21 ~ Hello, Cole Everette

-Carolin's POV-


I tossed and turn in my bed clutching the pillow against my ear. My eyes were squeezed shut in attempt of going back to sleep. It's not working no matter how much i'm trying, I can't block out the yelling. I want it to stop, when will this stop?

"Carolin?" A small voice asked at the door.

I sat up seeing my older brother, James, his brown curly hair all over the place, his pjs riled up from another sleepless night. A frown was on his face as he walked inside standing in front of me.

"What's wrong, James?" I ask curiously, my voice all groggy but still manage to hold fear. "Something happened?"

He shook his head and grabbed my arm pulling me out of bed. Regardless of the fact that I was confused and tired, I still followed him out into the hall. We stood in front of our parents bedroom, he place a finger on his lips telling me not to talk as he crouched down and pressed his ear to the door.

He motioned for me to join him but my body was frozen, it was as if my feet were glued to my spot. James noticed and pulled me down beside him. From the other side of the door, I heard voices. Mom and Dads' voices, I can tell they're trying their best to keep their voices down to not wake us up. Instantly, I pressed my ear against the door, hearing their voices clear.

"There's no way I let you take my children away from me." My mother cried nearly rising her tone.

"They're my children too, Arielle." Father's stern voice stated. "I have just as much right as you do to take them under my care."

"You wanted the divorce, the least you can do is let me keep my children." She argued.

I stiffen, dad wanted the divorce but why, my small hands balled up into a fist as I pressed my face further against the door.

"The divorce is what we both wanted, don't act like you're the innocent one here." He shot back. "We're both at fault but you can't take James and Carolin away from me, i'm their father!"

"And i'm their mother!"

Both James and I made eye contact with one another. We didn't have to even say anything to one another, we both were having the same thoughts about this. To think about a life without one of our parents is impossible, we can't manage without the other.

My eyes squeezed shut suppressing the tears, why must this happen to us, why us? What did we ever do to deserve this? James grabbed my arm pulling me into his chest, cradling my head as I sobbed into his shirt.

Eventually, I grew tired from crying and my eyes began to feel heavy. The last thing I remember was faint voices and the feel of something pulling away. Is this our last bitter night as a whole family?

My eyes snapped open instantly regretting to do so. I squinted against the blinding sunlight as I sat up and rub the sleep out of my eyes till my vision adjusted. I looked around and saw that i'm still home, a home with only James and my mother, no father.

I sighed, today is the day Everette comes over and my past is coming back to haunt me in the worst time.

My dream was too vivid, it was like I was reliving that night, the night it was decided that father will no longer be apart of our family as much. The same night that the original plan was to separate me from James. How can mom even think that was such a good idea?

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