Chapter 10 ~ The Worst Is Yet To Come

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Chapter 10 ~ The Worst Is Yet To Come

-Carolin's POV-

I woke up to sound of tapping against glass, Michael woke up shortly after I did rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked up at window immediately untangling himself from me, I followed his gaze to see Kyle standing outside with a grin on his face.

"Wake up lovebirds." He sneered, throwing his head back in fits of laughter leaning back against his car.

I had to blink several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things but here he was, he was actually here. I couldn't be anymore confused than I already was, what the hell is going on? They couldn't have known we were missing that fast, I checked the time on my phone seeing that it's seven in the morning, how could they know that we were missing let alone where to find us? I heard Michael mumbled the words, this can't be happening, under his breath.

"What's going on?" I asked Michael.

Michael ran his fingers through his hair. "Carolin, look I didn't tell you this because I know you'll hate me even more than you did before and I don't want you to hate me."

I sat silently not knowing what he was trying to get at. "Are you gonna tell what it is or what?" I asked, when he didn't answer it struck a nerve inside me, I left the car going over to the person who most likely will give me a straight forward answer. "What's going on and how are you here?"

"Two weeks are up, You and Michael get to go home." Kyle answered with a mischievous grin on his face. "How was the experience by the way?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked still confused at what he was saying.

"You're not as smart as I thought you were." He laughed. "It was a joke, the whole thing was a joke, you two getting stranded and all was a joke." He continued when seeing my confused and hurt expression. "We planned this when we found out you were his partner, he filled his gas tank half full took a 'short cut' and purposely got you stranded, a joke, a prank if you want to be more specific."

I turned around to glare at Michael. "You've got to be kidding, this whole thing was a joke." I stated seeing his guilty expression, I shook my head feeling anger boiling in my veins, I can't believe I fell for it. "Including your feelings for me, was it a joke?"

Kyle bursted out in fits of laughter. "You actually bought that he liked you? Sweetheart, you're pretty and all but you're no Kelsey Vincent, Michael wouldn't trade his perfect girl for someone like you."

Good to know. It's official Michael is back to being the biggest jerk I ever met, he's even worst than my ex. I knew it was going to be a mistake if I opened up my heart once again and I guess i'm the idiot for ever falling for Michael.

Kyle gesture us all inside the car. "You're getting in or what?" He called out when he saw that I wouldn't move, he added, "Hurry, that way you can get home faster and get back to your life while Michael over here reunites with his girl and we'll be able to call someone to pick up his car."

His girl being Kelsey, of course, he can never love anyone but that air head of a slut, I rolled my eyes and climbed into the backseat of Kyle's car, holding my bag and phone in hand. I jumped a little when I saw someone else inside the car, Brad, was he part of this too? He gave me a sympathetic look before adverting his eyes to the window looking anywhere but me.

From the mirror I can see Michael's eyes fixed on me, I looked away not wanting to see him. The whole thing, a joke, I felt something inside me break and tears threatened to spill out, but I will not give Michael the satisfaction of seeing me cry. The moment Kyle drove the car back onto the road heading back, I leaned my head against the window closing my eyes and doing my best to sustain my emotions.

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