Chapter 14 ~ You're Stuck With Me

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Author's Note:

Quick note, I apologize for the chapter being short i'll make it longer next time but enjoy. Brad Valdez off to the side --->

Chapter 14 ~ You're Stuck With Me

-Carolin's POV-

"Carolin!" My "sweet" brother, James called. "Um someone's at the door asking for you."

I woke up glancing at the clock, 6:39am, who the hell does this person think they are waking me up this goddamn early in the morning. I swear if I find out that it's Michael downstairs waiting for me at the door, I will strangle him right there.

Sluggishly, I forced myself out of bed heading downstairs towards the front door stopping in my tracks, I did not see this coming and not once did it ever cross my mind that he would be the one standing out here.

It wasn't Michael at the door but instead standing on my front porch was Brad Valdez dressed in jeans, a white tee that fit his body perfectly revealing the muscles that he had underneath, a red flannel that complimented his skin perfectly and black converse.

His black hair looked as if it took no effort to get it to look like it does, over all I must admit that he definitely is good looking and never once have a bad moment, even though I hate to say this, his looks could never compare to Michael's. I started to think back on the days I would wake up to him first thing in the morning, how even in his sleep he still looked beautiful.

James gently held my upper arm breaking me out of my reverie, leaning towards me, "This isn't Michael, is it?" He asked, whispering in my ear.

I shook my head numbly, James let out a sigh of relief. "I'll just let you two talk."

When James walked back into the house, I decided to break the ice. "Um not to be rude but why are you here?"

"I'm here to take you to school." He casually answered.

"Okay..follow up question why are you picking me up at six thirty in the morning." I nearly shouted, I can't help it when I don't get my much needed rest, best believe that I will get cranky and I have every right to be.

"Reagan texted me saying she isn't gonna be at school so here I am." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, I didn't need a remainder that I was gonna be by myself all day, Reagan had a doctor's appointment today allowing her to skip out on school.

"Did she tell you to come here because I don't need your comp-"

He placed his finger on my lips interrupting me in the middle of my sentence. "I can assure you that she did not tell me to come here, I came here because I wanted to."

I pushed his hand away from me tightening my grip on the door handle while I backed away. "How nice of you unfortunately I rather take my chances walking to school instead."

I almost shut the door in his face when he stopped it by jamming his foot in between the door, I gritted my teeth in anger completely annoyed now. "Carolin, look, that day back in the forest, I promise I was not a part of it at all."

"Hard to believe you when I saw you there." I snapped.

"Okay that looks bad but I didn't know we were going to get you guys, Kyle just said he had to do a quick errand and I tagged along. But when I saw you, I never felt so confused and mix with emotions, I was angry that they did something like this to you, confused, sad and everything else and all I wanted to do was see you and check if you were okay." He explained. "Please believe me."

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