Chapter 6 ~ Jealousy Is The Best Medicine

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Author's Note:

I'm updating because today is my cousin britcarolin birthday. Quick announcement starting today I will be updating on Saturdays.

Chapter 6 ~ Jealousy Is The Best Medicine

-Carolin's POV-

Yawning, I sat up stretching my arms outward, honestly best sleep I ever had since we got stranded. My neck and shoulders didn't ache like they had the night before. I removed the covers from my body placing my feet on the ground, okay maybe not the ground, I forgot that Michael was sleeping on the floor, good thing I didn't wake him, he was still in deep slumber snoring quietly.

I grabbed my bag stepping around his body in hopes not to accidentally step on him or wake him up. I succeeded in doing so, I let out a sigh of relief rushing out the room to find the bathroom. Time to start the day.


"Morning Lucas." I greeted when I entered the kitchen.

He glanced back at me with a smile on his face. "Good morning Carolin, how did you sleep?"

"I slept good surprisingly." I answered. "Thanks for letting us stay by the way, we appreciate it."

"You're welcome but I hope you're not leaving so soon, you guys can stay as long as you like." He offered.

"Thanks but our families won't notice we're gone until two weeks from now." I responded becoming very hesitate with his offer.

"Then stay here for two weeks until they notice." He shrugged. "It's better than staying outside right?"

"Yeah it is." I sighed staring at the tile floor.

"It's settle then, you two are staying." He smiled. "I hope you like blueberry pancakes cause that's what we're having." He chuckled handing me a plate.

"Luckily, I do love blueberry pancakes." I smiled. We both took our plates to sit on the table, eating our breakfast in comfortable silence, my eyes wondered around finding everything in the house very comfy.

"Lucas." I started breaking the silence, he looked up letting me know to continue. "Do you mind telling me why you decided to live here?"

He placed his utensils down taking in a deep breath. "It's kind of a long story." He warned.

"I don't mind." I responded.

"It started when I was engaged to my girlfriend, we've dated for four years and I thought it was the right time to take it to the next level and well she said yes to the proposal, our parents told us that we're rushing things and that we were too young but me being my twenty-one hopeless romantic self thought that they were wrong." He paused taking a deep breath before continuing. "About five months into our engagement and the wedding was only a month away and she left me, she called telling me that she can't go through with it and that it seems rushed and she apologized for it. So here I am, decided to move here to be away from anyone and in hopes to move on and forget about her."

"How's that going so far?" I asked, in all honest my heart ache for Lucas, he sounded like he was really in love with this girl and for her to just break it off like that, I couldn't help but feel sorrow for him and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him.

"I'm doing good so far, i've been here for almost two months, and i've met you and that other guy." He shrugged. "Speaking of which, how did you two ended up here yourselves?"

I let out a small laugh. "Long story."

"I don't mind." He replied with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, using my words against me, he's got me there. "Well basically we were suppose to be on our senior trip and we're suppose to be staying at a lodge for the next two weeks."

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