Chapter 11 ~ First Day Back

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Author's Note:

Happy halloween guys, I just had to update today. Reagan Maxwell on the side --> or on top (depends on the device you're using)

Chapter 11 ~ First Day Back

-Carolin's POV-

It's been three days since I have returned home and i've been skipping out on school. I'm completely humiliated, to see Michael face to face will be embarrassing. He and his friends are probably laughing at the me for stupidly thinking that he had feelings for me. So with that depressing thought, i've been avoiding school and everyone, which includes Reagan.

I walked down the steps heading into the kitchen, currently i'm alone, my mom is at work and James is in his college classes right now leaving me alone in the house. I opened the cabinet pulling out a bowl and filling it up with cheese balls. My hair was in a messy ponytail and I was in my oversize sweater with black leggings and to top off my look I was wearing my lucky mustache socks. What can I say, i'm pretty fashionable girl, note sarcasm.

I sat on the couch, placing the bowl on the coffee table and reaching for the remote, I decided to watch Big Hero 6 to pass the time.

Ten minutes into the movie and there was a knock at the door. I groaned pausing the movie grabbing my bowl and walking over to the door.

It better not be Michael again, like my mom promise, she changed the locks just in case he had made a copy of my keys. When I opened it standing on the other side of the door was my best friend, Reagan, her once purple and black hair is now dyed completely black.

"Thank god you're alive." She sighed pulling me into a tight hug before smacking the back of my head. "Where the hell were you! You missed the trip and I thought you and Michael couldn't handle being partners and decided to miss it. But seriously I come back to find that you weren't even at school for the last two weeks and haven't shown up for the last three days! And to top it all off, you didn't answer any of my texts! I thought something terrible happened to you! Do you have anything to say for yourself missy?"

I paused contemplating with my thoughts, I had to choose my words wisely to calm Reagan down. "Cheese balls?" I offered holding out the bowl for her.

"I'm being serious Carolin." She firmly replied crossing her arms over her chest. I gestured for her to enter my house, she gladly walked in and took my bowl of cheese balls with her, I rolled my eyes closing the door. "Explain."

"Michael got us stranded in a forest where there was no signal and we were stuck there for two weeks and as it turn out it was a prank the whole time." I answered giving her the short explanation.

There was a moment of silence before she spoked. "So I guess the rumors were true, well sort of." She mumbled to herself.

"Rumors? What rumors?" I questioned.

"There were rumors going around school about you two hooking up behind Kelsey's back." She answered. "I didn't believe them because one, you hate Michael and two, you would rather die than be with Michael."

Once those words left her mouth, I stood quiet shamefully looking down at my mustache socks hoping she wouldn't question my silence. Reagan stared at me questionably, suddenly her eyes widen in shock, she stood up so fast that she almost knocked down the bowl.

"No, no no no no." She began, resting her hand on the side of her head. "Please tell you did not hook up with Michael, please tell me you are still an innocent virgin."

"I didn't hook up with Michael and I still am a virgin." I stated, she eyed me suspiciously, I threw my hand up in surrender. "I'm being serious."

"Oh alright, i'll take your word for it however I still feel like you're keeping something from me."

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