Chapter 25 ~ Tell Me Your Lies

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Author's Note:

Finally updated guys! I am so sorry that it's been so long, I've been having writers block but finally it's done. I'm trying my best to update once every week so please be patient with me. Anyways please ignore the mistakes, haven't edited it yet but I will later. If you guys have any ideas for the next chapter please comment them, I would love to hear your ideas and your thoughts on this chapter and vote cause that'll motivate me more to continue. With that said, enjoy the story!

Chapter 25 ~ Tell Me Your Lies

-Carolin's POV-

I couldn't be any happier that school had ended for the day. And for the first time in the longest, I entered the photography room feeling right at home. Wow, it felt like ages since the last time I was here. Ms. Sophia looks up from her computer screen at me, a huge smile appears on her face.

"Carolin, it's been forever since you came around. I was starting to worry that you wanted to quit photography." Ms. Sophia sighs in relief engulfing me in a tight hug.

I wrap my arms around the small woman in front of me. Ms. Sophia is an old woman around her fifties, however she looks good for her age. If she were to dye the grey hairs she would look no less than thirty. She's the photography teacher and a kind one too. She would understand if you needed time to yourself.

"As if, you can't get rid of me that easily." I laugh pulling away to take a good look around the room. "Things sure changed while I was gone for a while."

Everything was different, instead of the vintage looking computers they were all replace by more modern Apple computers. The clothing line that held the Polaroid pictures were gone along with the shelve of different camera throughout the year.

"What happened to our old stuff?" I ask curiously gliding my finger over the edge of the computer monitor.

"Oh those, we've done remodeling and we had to sell our old equipment in order to pay for these new computers." Ms. Sophia answered. "Apparently, we have to keep up to date with technology."

"I prefer our old stuff." I mutter.

Even if they were old and no good, they gave me a sort of comfort that these new computers couldn't compare. They were memories that won't ever be replace. Ms. Sophia smile wearily, nodding her head.

"I do too, but this wasn't my decision it was the principal's." She responds, pulling open a desk drawer. "The rest of our members will be here tomorrow but if you want to play catch up then here."

She handed me a camera and a spare key to the classroom. "Remember to lock up when you're done, i'm gonna head home. I'm not as young as I use to be dear."

I smile holding the two items in my hands. "Thank you, Ms. Sophia."

She smiles back, "My pleasure dear. I'll see you tomorrow."

I wave goodbye as she left the room, I turn my attention back to the brand new screen in front of me. I wonder if Reagan was just as disappointed as me to see these computers here, but then again she's Reagan. She always wanted an Apple computer, maybe she got excited.

My phone began to buzz. I slipped it out of my pocket to see Reagan's name flashing across the screen. Huh, speak of the devil. I chuckle pushing the answer and pressing the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Where the hell are you? I've been waiting here for a whole five goddamn minutes!" She shouts, I roll my eyes at her response. "You better have a good reason as to why you're making me wait for that long!"

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