Chapter 26 ~ What's Fake What's Real?

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Author's Note:

New cover guys! Definitely is my favorite however the original art work for the cover could not fit so I had to cut off a column of it so yeah. Quick warning, it's not the best chapter I written so I apologize early on. And enjoy the story.

Chapter 26 ~ What's Fake, What's Real?

-Carolin's POV-

"Moo shu pork for my lady." Brad playfully states as he slides into the driver's seat and hands me the takeout.

"How'd you know?" I ask curiously raising my brow.

"Last time I had Chinese food I was with Reagan, it's before you and I officially met, and she had mentioned that her best friend is obsessed with their moo shu pork. I figured that she was talking about you now that I think back at it." He shrugs. "So no moo shu pork?"

I roll my eyes jokingly and take the takeout and chopsticks. "Thanks." I smile gratefully. "Oh, and thanks again for picking me up from school."

"No problem, saw my girl crying and I couldn't just leave you there with tears streaming down your face." He replies placing his hand on my thigh. "Now mind telling me why you were crying?"

I look anywhere but him, I don't want to talk about it. The reason is really stupid now that I think about it. Why am I crying over a guy who isn't anything of mine? My eyes were on his takeout.

"Um what did you order?" I ask curiously wanting avoid the question.

"Chow mein." He answers eyes still on me. "I answered your question so now answer mine."

I sigh in defeat, well there was no way i'm getting out it this time. I have been avoiding this subject since we left the school so I might as well tell him, he deserves to know.

I stabbed my chopsticks into my food distracting myself for a bit before explaining the reason behind my tears. "It's really stupid but I was crying because of Michael."

He sighs shifting in his seat to face me properly, "I swear one of these days i'll punch him if he ever makes you cry again." He mumble to himself before looking at me, "What'd he do this time?"

I lamely shrug my shoulders "He's just too confusing.. he says he doesn't want to hurt me and that i'm more important than anything in his life but he goes and makes out with Kelsey. I know she's his girlfriend and all, but I would like to think that if you tell a girl all that stuff then you shouldn't go kissing other girls behind their back."

Brad was silent but listen to everything that I was ranting on about, it makes me appreciate him more and more every day. I wonder why he hasn't walk out when all I do is complain about one of his friends. Sometimes I have to learn to just rant about Michael on my own time not to him so he doesn't get annoyed. But when I look at him, he doesn't look annoyed, he looks calm and patient.

Brad perks his lips to the side when I finish talking. "You want my opinion on this?" He questions curiously, I nod my head in response. "Alright, here's my thoughts on all of this.. you shouldn't give in to Michael so easily no matter how genuine or sweet his words sound. He's manipulative, i've seen it before, this is how he deceive girls, luring them in a false possibility and in the end he breaks their hearts."

I was afraid he would say that. Something deep inside me snap, I don't think I ever felt this broken for a boy before, it happened but never this bad. Brad brushed the pad of his thumb gently over my cheekbone, the expression on his face was a mixture of worry and sympathy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispers continuing to wipe my tears away.

I'm crying? It was then that I felt the tears rolling down my face and the saltiness of my tears on my lips. How did I not notice? I numbly push Brad's hands away and wiped my face with back of my hand.

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