Chapter 8 ~ Love & Hate Is Such a Thin Line

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Chapter 8 ~ Love & Hate Is Such a Thin Line

-Carolin's POV-

I began stirring in my sleep when feeling a sudden rush of icy wind hit my body. I moved closer to a source of heat wrapping my arms around it, I nuzzled my face into the fabric taking in a deep breath, it had a very interesting scent to it like spearmint and a mixture of cologne that I couldn't help but pull myself closer. A low chuckled was heard close by and soon arms circled my body wrapping me in it's warmth.

"Geez darling, if you wanted me to cuddle with you all you had to do was ask." A deep raspy voice spoke in my ear in a teasing tone, Michael.

Instantly that snapped me awake, I pushed myself to sit upright staring daggers down at Michael. He placed his arms behind his head returning my gaze.

"Morning." He smiled a carefree smile. "Sleep well?" He added with a smirk.

"Why did you had your arms wrapped around me?" I asked scooting away from him.

"You were shivering so I wanted to keep you warm." He answered with a shrugged, he sounded tired when he spoke.

I shook my head removing the covers, my bare feet touched the cold floor sending shivers all around my body, all I wanted to do now was crawl back into bed but I couldn't, not when I know he'll still be there. I swung my bag onto my shoulder heading out to the bathroom.

"We should do this more often." Michael mention loudly grabbing my attention. "I enjoy waking up to you first thing in the morning."

I stared at him feeling the heat rush to my face, I spun on my heels rushing out the door and quickly walking into the bathroom locking it shut. My heart was racing, thumping loudly against my chest, I ran my hand through my hair, still feeling the heat in my face.

Last time I felt anything like this it was three years ago with him... no it can't be happening again especially not with Michael. He just caught me off guard with that, besides my hate for him can still out burn anything.

I glanced at my reflection, my face bright red and my hair in messy waves from me running my fingers through it.

I remember the feel of his arms around me, how he held me close to him and how warm his touch was against my skin.

Woah, what am I thinking! I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts, splashing cold water on my face. Why is he doing this to me?


"Morning, Carolin." Lucas greeted watching me descend down the stairs. "How did you sleep?"

At that I froze on the fourth to last step, my hand tightening on the railing. "Let me guess, you know about what happened?"

"You mean you and Michael spooning at night?" He questioned with a smile on his face. "Yeah, I know about that, so proves my theory."

"Your theory is still wrong, he only did that to annoy me." I mumbled angrily. "And why were you in the room?"

"Went up to check up on you, Michael was awake but you were fast asleep in his arms." He answered. "We also had a talk."

"What about?" I questioned.

Lucas held his hand towards me, I grabbed for it and he helped me down wrapping his arms around me. "About you." He answered kissing the side of my head, I gave him a confused look, why were they talking about me? As if he read my mind he added, "I wanted to see if he would get jealous so when he asked me if I had any feelings for you, I replied yes."

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