Chapter 32 ~ Do I Love You, Do I Hate You?

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I know it's been a really long time since the last update. My wifi was out, my phone broke and I was having writer's block so everything was going wrong. I decided this book will have some slow updates but please be patient with me. Especially now since my grades are on the line and I have to put focus on school work since junior year is a big one for a high school student. Hope you guys understand and enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 32 ~ Do I Love You, Do I Hate You?

-Carolin's POV-

*Ring, Ring*

I groan stretching out a hand to search for my phone. When I found it I squint at the bright screen checking the caller id. Brad. I immediately answer laying back down in the softness of the pillows, my eyes flutter shut.

"Hello?" I answer, my voice raspy from a long night slumber.

"Carolin!? Why haven't you been answering my calls!?" Brad frantically questions causing me to wince from his loud voice.

Geez, my head hurts like shit, it feels as if someone is smashing a sledgehammer to my brain.

"I was sleeping." I lamely answer. "I didn't know you called me before."

"Well I did, where the hell are you? You had me worried sick all night."

"Please keep your voice down, all your yelling is giving me a headache. I'm at Reagan's house." I answer shifting my position on the bed. I use my free hand to rub at my temples.

"At Reagan's?" He repeats incredulously. "There's no way in hell are you at Reagan's house."

"Uh yeah I am, I think I would know where I am-" I stop mid sentence when I hear a female voice yelling in the background.

"Shut the fuck up Brad! Your voice is giving me a damn headache! Who the hell are you even talking to this early in the morning?!" I recognize that cranky loud voice anywhere, Reagan.

"I'm talking to Carolin." He answers her, but I hardly was paying attention to his voice. I sat up looking around my surroundings and saw that I am in fact not in Reagan's room or even mine for that matter. "Okay, Carolin, do you have any memory of last night?"

Last night? The last thing I remember was running into Kyle, after that everything was a blur. Am I still at Kyle's house? No, surely Brad or Reagan would've found me and brought me back to Reagan's place. So where the heck am I and why can't I remember a thing?

Oh my god, what if someone had drugged me and kidnapped me. And now i'm in the home of my captor being held against my will and no one will find me ever. That's one heck of a way to spend my senior year, note my sarcasm. I'm so going to die.

"Carolin?" Brad calls snapping me out of my paranoia. "You're still there? Are you okay?"

I open my mouth to say something but stop shortly at the sight of picture frames above the dresser. "Yeah i'm still here. Um i'll call you back."

"No wait Carol-" I hung up cutting him off mid-sentence.

I stood up feeling my bare feet touching the soft carpet flooring. I look down seeing my heels set neatly by the bed. I don't remember ever removing them. At least i'm still in the same clothes I was yesterday otherwise I would be horrified if i'm not. I walk up to the dresser taking the frame in my hand. First picture was of a little boy, no older than five or six, a cheesy boyish grin on his face with a man who i'm assuming is his father. They appeared to be at the lake having a swim due to their wet hair.

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